[Register Now!] Annual Departmental Seminar (Webinar): Advocacy in Social Work Education – the Past, Present and Future. (Sept. 16, 2020)

Annual Departmental Seminar (Webinar)
 Advocacy in Social Work Education – the Past, Present and Future.
Advocacy has always been one of the essential elements of the social work profession. The values and beliefs in social work are often epitomized through advocacy, be it on an individual case level or at the policy level.
As educators, we are tasked to teach our students, our future generation of social workers what advocacy is, why it is important and how it is practised. The meaning, the importance and the practice of advocacy like any knowledge, evolves with time, with the players, and with the changes in our social, economic, political and physical environment.
Our Annual Departmental Seminar with the support from the Hong Kong Association of Schools of Social Work will place Advocacy in the forefront and provide an opportunity for teachers, students, social workers, tertiary institutions, NGOs and community organizations to revisit this essential element of the social work profession. We have invited experts and scholars to examine advocacy from a social work professional, a global scholar and social innovator standpoint. We hope that this seminar will inspire participants to generate thoughts and ideas on how social workers, educators and policy makers should view and proceed with advocacy for the betterment of our society in changing times.
The Details:
23rd October 2020 (Friday)
9:30 AM– 12:45 PM
Webinar (ZOOM link will be sent to successful registrants by email)
* HKSYU students and colleagues could attend the seminar at RLB 208, Research Complex as well.
Guest Speakers:
Prof. Chan Lai Wan, Cecilia
Emeritus Professor,
Department of Social Work and Social Administration,
The University of Hong Kong
Prof. Shen Xu-Hui, Simon
Adjunct Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Science,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mr. Ngai Wah Sing, Francis
Founder and Chief Executive Officer,
Social Venture Hong Kong
Dr. Chui Chi Fai, Raymond
Associate Professor, Department of Social Work,
Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Round Table Discussion:
Prof. Lam Ching Man
Adjunct Professor, Department of Social Work,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr. Wong Fung Yee, Margaret
Head, Department of Social Work,
Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Supporting Organization: 
Hong Kong Association of Schools of Social Work
Free registration: 
Enquires: Mr. Anderson Yuen (Tel: 2804 8437; Email: whyuen@hksyu.edu)
Look forward to seeing you online.



香港樹仁大學(樹仁)社會工作學系將於2020年10月23日(星期五)上午9時30分至12時45分,舉行「社會工作.倡議教育.今昔與前瞻」—網絡講座。 現誠邀各屆人士參與,詳情請參看以下內容及宣傳海報和程序表。
香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系 榮休教授 陳麗雲教授
香港中文大學社會科學院 客席副教授 沈旭暉教授
香港樹仁大學社會工作學系 副教授 崔志暉博士
香港社會創投基金 創辦人及行政總裁 魏華星先生
香港中文大學社會工作學系 客席教授 林靜雯教授
香港樹仁大學社會工作學系 系主任 王鳯儀博士


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