Dr. Raymond CHUI Chi-fai 崔志暉博士

Associate Professor and Honours Project Co-ordinator
Academic and Professional Qualifications
  • Ph.D. in Sociology, the University of Auckland, New Zealand
  • M.Phil. in Sociology, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
  • B.A. (First Class Honours) in Sociology, Hong Kong Baptist University
Areas of Interest
  • Cyber-psychology, Positive Psychology, Employment, Globalization, Immigrant Issues, Transnationalism, Youth Well-Being
Courses Taught
  • SW 120 Principles of Sociology
  • SW 252 Social Work Research II
  • SW 441-2 Honours Project I & II

  1. Yuen, W. W. Y., CHUI, R. C. F., Chan, C. K., Chan, A., Chiu, C. Y. (2024). Youth-led Co-creative mental health training programme for improving mental wellbeing and reducing stigma among adolescents in Hong Kong: Insights from a pilot study. Hong Kong Journal of Mental Health, 50(1), 12-20. 
  2. Lo, G. Y. L., & CHUI, R. C. F. (2024, 2024/02/19). Self-Esteem in the Relationship between the Usage of Dating Apps and Body Satisfaction.  Proceedings of the Positive Technology International Conference 2023 Positive Technology: Possible Synergies between Emerging Technologies and Positive Psychology (PT 2023).
  3. CHUI, R. C. F., & Ip, I. (2024, 2024/02/19). The Influence of Social Media Engagement on Social Desirability and Empathy of Chinese Youth in Hong Kong. Proceedings of the Positive Technology International Conference 2023 Positive Technology: Possible Synergies between Emerging Technologies and Positive Psychology (PT 2023).
  4. CHUI, R. C. F., & Mak, D. T. H. (2024, 2024/02/19). The Mitigating Effects of Instant Messaging Applications for Older Adults During COVID-19 Pandemic. Proceedings of the Positive Technology International Conference 2023 Positive Technology: Possible Synergies between Emerging Technologies and Positive Psychology (PT 2023).
  5. CHUI, R. C.-F. (2023) Religiosity and psychological well-being of Chinese college students in Hong Kong: the role of gratitude and hope. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 26(8), 771-785  DOI: 10.1080/13674676.2023.2269878 (Q2, Scopus, Impact Factor: 1.6)
  6. 崔志暉,徐慧敏,顏志昇 (2022) 。〈靜觀為本治療於香港有飲酒問題之戒毒人士的效用〉。載《2022年全國藥物濫用防治研討會暨第21屆CADAPT學術會議論文集》,頁852 - 858。中國藥物濫用防治協會。
  7. Wong, J. K.-K., & CHUI, R. C. F. (2022, 2022/12/27). The Mediating Role of Prosocial Behavior and Meaning in Life in the Relationship Between Religiosity and Attitude Towards People with Intellectual Disability (ID) of Hong Kong Young Adults. Proceedings of the Meaning in Life International Conference 2022 - Cultivating, Promoting, and Enhancing Meaning in Life Across Cultures and Life Span (MIL 2022). 
  8. Lui, W.-K., Chan, C.-K., CHUI, R. C.-F., Siu, N. Y.-F., Lau, K.-W., & Yung, C.-S. (2022, 2022/12/27). Awareness of Meaning: The Mechanism Between Future Orientation and Prosocial Tendency. Proceedings of the Meaning in Life International Conference 2022 - Cultivating, Promoting, and Enhancing Meaning in Life Across Cultures and Life Span (MIL 2022). 
  9. Lam, T.-W., & CHUI, R. C.-F. (2022, 2022/12/27). Does Music Matter? The Role of Music Listening and Meaning in Life in Reducing Stress of Hong Kong People. Proceedings of the Meaning in Life International Conference 2022 - Cultivating, Promoting, and Enhancing Meaning in Life Across Cultures and Life Span (MIL 2022). 
  10. Lui, W.-K., Chan, C.-K., Ng, K.-H., CHUI, C.-F. R., Siu, N. Y.-F., Yung, C.-S., & Lau, K.-W. (2022, 2022-December-20). Awareness of meaning and quest for meaning: The mechanisms between future orientation and prosociality among youth during pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1046803, (Q2, Scopus, SSCI, Impact Factor: 3.8).
  11. LAW, Samuel C. Y., CHUI, Raymond C. F., SIU, Nicolson Y. F. & CHUNG, H. C. (2022) E-learning and learning motivation: Exploring the moderation effects of social presence and learning efficacy, In Anna W. B. Tso, Alex C. Chan, Wendy W. L. Chan, Peter E. Sidork and Will W. K. Ma (Eds). Digital Communication and Learning: Changes and Challenges (Pp. 239-252), Springer.
  12. WONG, Margaret F. Y., LIU, Ben C. P., CHUI, Raymond C. F. & TSUI, Cindy. (2021). What really matters? An exploratory study on perceived effectiveness, actual practice and determinants of advocacy in social work. The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, 55(1/2), 69-97. 
  13. CHUI, Raymond C. F., Siu, Nicolson Y.-F., Tsui W.-M. and Wong, C. Y.-T. (2020). The efficacy of the mobile application-based mindfulness mediation on adjustment of college students in Hong Kong: A randomized controlled triad. In Will W. K. Ma, K.W. Tong and Wing B. A. Tso (Eds), Learning Environment and Design: Current and Future Impacts (Pp. 227-244), Singapore: Springer.
  14. CHUI, Raymond C. F. and CHAN, Chi-Keung (2020). Positive thinking, school adjustment and psychological well-being among Chinese college students. The Open Psychology Journal, 13, 151-159.
  15. LAU, Chloe K. H., CHUI, Raymond C. F., Lin, Pearl M. C. & Chan, Ray T. M. The value of P2PA to travelers: Evidence from the Hong Kong market. International Journal of Tourism Research, 21(6), 735-913. (SSCI, impact factor: 2.278)
  16. LAU, Chloe K. H., CHUI, Raymond C. F. & Au, Norman, (2019). Examination of the adoption of augmented reality: a VAM approach. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 24(10), 1005-1020. (SSCI, impact factor: 1.975)
  17. CHUI, Raymond C. F. (2018). The Role of Meaning in Life for the Quality of Life of Community-Dwelling Chinese Elders with Low Socio-Economic Status. In Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 4, 1-8.
  18. CHUI, Raymond C.F. (2018). The influence of Meaning in Life on the Quality of Life of Community-Dwelling Hong Kong Chinese Elders. In Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences, 51, 67-86.
  19. YEUNG, C. T. Y. & CHUI, Raymond C. F. (2018). A study on the impact of involvement in violent online game and self-control on Hong Kong Adults’ Psychological well-being. In Liping Deng, Will W. K. Ma and Check Wai Rose Fong (Eds), New Media for Educational Change (Pp. 165-174), Singapore: Springer.
  20. LAU, Chloe, MILNE, Simon, & CHUI, Raymond C. F. (2017). Redefining stakeholder relationship in mega events: New Zealand Chinese and the Rugby World Cup. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, 18(2), 75-99.
  21. CHUI, Raymond C. F., & CHAN, Chi-Keung (2017). School adjustment, social support and mental health of cross-border Chinese college students in Hong Kong. Journal of College Student Development, 58(1), 88-100 (SSCI, Impact Factor 0.782).
  22. CHUI, Raymond C. F. (2017). Facebook use and well-being in Chinese college students. In Will W. K. Ma, Chi-Keung Chan, Kar-wai Tong, Heidi Fung and Cheuk Wai Rose Fong (Eds), New Ecology for Education – Communication X Learning (pp. 225-236), Singapore: Springer
  23. 張少強、崔志暉 (2015):《香港後工業年代的生活故事》 香港: 三聯書店,共213頁。
  24. CHUI, Raymond C. F. & NG, Tabitha Y. L. (2015). Relationship between differentiation of self, anxiety, depression and emotional intelligence – a pilot study of the Hong Kong Chinese society. Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, 49(1&2): 65-79.
  25. CHUI, Raymond C. F. (2014). Life Satisfaction and Community Attachment of Hong Kong New Arrivals. In Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, 42 (1 and 2), 41 – 56.
  26. CHUI, Raymond C. F. (2014). Smartphone Usage, Social Relations and Life Satisfaction of Hong Kong College Students. In MA, W.K., YUEN, H.K., J. PARK, LAU, W.F. and DENG L. (Eds.), New Media Knowledge Practices and Multiliteracies, 171 – 178. Singapore: Springer.
  27. 區榮光、崔志暉。﹙2013﹚。《在家濫藥青少年及家庭關係調查報告書》。香港:香港樹仁大學社會工作學系及國際獅子總會中國港澳三零三區青年拓展及禁毒警覺委員會。
  28. CHUI, Raymond C. F. and CHAN C.K. (2012). Investigating the Relations of Social Support, Coping Strategies, Caregiver Burden with Well-being of Caregivers of People with Intellectual Disabilities in Hong Kong (in Chinese). In Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences, 43, 59 – 82.
  29. 區榮光、崔志暉。﹙2012﹚。《在職期間猝死及工業傷亡權益調查報告書》。香港:香港樹仁大學社會工作學系及職安培訓復生會。
  30. CHUI, Raymond C. F. (2011). Transnationalism of Chinese Migrants in New Zealand. In Social Transformations in Chinese Societies, 6 (2), 159 – 196.
  31. 崔志暉、吳燕玲。﹙2011﹚。〈樂天達人 – 親子平行小組成效研究報告書〉。載《復元路上3》,頁50 – 83。香港:香港明愛青少年及社區服務九龍社區中心。
  32. CHUI, Raymond C. F. (2011). Social Capital in Hong Kong: A Myth or a Missing Link. In Social Work Casebook. (2011). Edited by CHUI, C.F. and AU, W.K. Hong Kong: Department of Social Work, Hong Kong Shue Yan University. ISBN: 978-988-18443-7-8.
  33. CHUI, Raymond C. F., NG Y.L., CHEUNG O.N. and MOK W.K. (2009). Parenting Practice: A Case Study of the Women in Tin Shui Wai District, Hong Kong. In Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences, 36, 65 – 89.
  34. CHUI, Raymond C. F. (2008). Transnationalism and Migration: Chinese Migrants in New Zealand. Social and Cultural Research Occasional Paper No. 4, Centre for Qualitative Social Research, Department of Sociology, Hong Kong Shue Yan University.
  35. 區榮光、崔志暉、曾樹明、王雲仙。﹙2007﹚。《新光戲院粵劇文化對香港東區的影響》。香港:東區區議會及香港樹仁大學社會工作學系。ISBN:978-962-8719-75-4。
  36. CHUI, Raymond C. F. (2004). Auckland’s ‘Economic Immigrants’ from Asia. In Ian CARTER, David CRAIG and Steve MATTHEWMAN (Eds.). Almighty Auckland?. Palmerston North, New Zealand: Dunmore Press.
Other Research Publications
  1. (2000). “A Study of the Youth Career and Educational Situation in Hong Kong”﹙青年就業及升學情況研究﹚, Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Hong Kong. (Researcher).
  2. (2000). “A Study of the Youth Pre-employment Training Programme in Hong Kong”﹙青年職前綜合培訓計劃研究調查﹚, Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Hong Kong. (Researcher).
  3. (2000). “A Study on the Employment Situation of the Middle and Old Aged Persons in Hong Kong”﹙香港中老年人士就業狀況研究﹚, Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Hong Kong. (Researcher).
  4. (1999). “Survey Report on the Impact of Unemployment on Individual, Family and Society”﹙失業對個人、家庭及社會的影響之調查報導﹚, Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Hong Kong. (Researcher).
  5. (1998). “Survey Report on the Impact of Unemployment on Family Life”﹙失業對家庭生活影響之調查報告﹚, Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Hong Kong. (Co-researcher).
  6. (1998). “Employer’s Feedback on Practice among Local Social Worker Graduates”, Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Hong Kong. (Co-researcher).
  7. (1998). “97/98 Survey on the Mainland – Hong Kong Social Welfare Exchange Activities”, Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Hong Kong. (Researcher).
  8. (1998). “Cross Border Employment – The Impact of Family Life”, Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Hong Kong. (Co-researcher).
  9. (1998). “A Baseline Survey on Employment Situation of People with Disabilities”, Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Hong Kong. (Co-researcher).
Conference Papers
  1. Lam, T. W. & Chui, R. C. F. (2022). A study of the relationship among music experience, social connection, meaning in life and stress of youth in Hong Kong. Presentation at the Meaning in Life International Conference 2022, June 22-25, 2022.
  2. Sze, A. H. K. & Chui, R. C. F. (2022). A study on the relationship between meaning in life and happiness of pet keeping in Hong Kong. Presentation at the Meaning in Life International Conference 2022, June 22-25, 2022
  3. Wong, J. K. K. & Chui, R. C. F. (2022). A study of the relationship between religiosity, prosocial behavior, meaning in life, and attitude towards people with intellectual disability (ID). Presentation at the Meaning in Life International Conference 2022, June 22-25, 2022.
  4. Chan, N. Y., Yung, K. L., Law, C. Y., Chan, C. K. Chui, C. F., Siu, Y. F., Yu, T. S. Kung, M. W., Chung, H. C., Wong, C. S., Ng, K. H. Lui, W. K. & Lau, K. W. (2022). How meaning in life affect the attitudes towards COVID-19 and flourishing among Chinese youth. Presentation at the Meaning in Life International Conference 2022, June 22-25, 2022.
  5. Chui, C. F. R., & W. T. Wong. (2022). A study of the relationship between anxiety on COVID-19, death anxiety, meaning in life and psychological distress on Hong Kong youths. Virtual poster presentation at the Meaning in Life International Conference 2022 (virtual), June 22-25, 2022.
  6. Leung, S. C., & Chui, C. F. R. (2022). The relationship among self-esteem, purpose in life, life satisfaction and attitude towards deaths of youth in Hong Kong. Virtual poster presentation at the Meaning in Life International Conference 2022 (virtual), June 22-25, 2022.
  7. Chan, C.-K., Chui, C.-F. R., Siu, Y.-F., +Kung, M.-W., Yuen, W.-H., Chau, E. Y.-C., Lau, W.-Y., +Lui, W.-K., +Ng, K.-H., & +Fung, Y.-Y. (2021). Youth gambling in online gaming and Esports: The associations with pathological gaming and gambling. Virtual poster presentation at the 2021 American Psychological Association Annual Convention (virtual), August 12-14, 2021.
  8. Lui, W.-K., Lau, K.-W., Chan, C.-K., Chui, C.-F. R., & Siu, Y.-F., (2021). Awareness of Meaning: The mechanism between future orientation and prosocial tendency. Virtual poster presentation at the 2021 American Psychological Association Annual Convention (virtual), August 12-14, 2021.
  9. Law, C.-Y., +Chung, H.-C., +Kung M.-W., +Yu, T.-S., +Ng, K.-H., +Chan, N.-Y., +Lui, W.-K., +Lau, K.-W., +Wong, C.-S., Siu, Y.F., Chui, C.-F. R., & Chan, C.-K. (2021).  COVID 19 and psychological health: A path analysis on impact of the pandemic, self-compassion, meaning-in-life, and compassion-to-others. Pre-recorded gallery showcase (E-poser) at the International Positive Psychology Association’s (IPPA) Seventh World Congress (Virtual), July 15-17, 2021.
  10. Chan, C.-K., Chui, C.-F. R., Siu, Y.-F., +Kung, M.-W., Yuen, W.-H., Chau, E. Y.-C., Lau, W.-Y., +Lui, W.-K., +Ng, K.-H., & +Fung, Y.-Y. (2021). Youth gambling in online gaming and Esports: The associations with pathological gaming and gambling. Virtual poster presentation at the 2021 American Psychological Association Annual Convention (virtual), August 12-14, 2021.
  11. Lui, W.-K., Lau, K.-W., Chan, C.-K., Chui, C.-F. R., & Siu, Y.-F., (2021). Awareness of Meaning: The mechanism between future orientation and prosocial tendency. Virtual poster presentation at the 2021 American Psychological Association Annual Convention (virtual), August 12-14, 2021.
  12. Chung, H. C., Siu, Nicolson Y., Chui, Raymond C. F. & Samuel C. Y.F. Exploring the relationship between e-learning, motivation, social presence, and learning efficacy. Presentation at the HKAECT International Conference 2021, June 24-26, 2021
  13. Chui, Raymond C. F. and Ngan, Ernest C.-S. (Nov 27-28, 2020). Validating a Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP) for Substance Abusers. Presentation at the 5th Asian Pacific Problem Gambling and Addiction Conference (APPGAC) 2020, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
  14. Chan, C.-K., Chui, C.-F., Yuen, W.-H., Siu, Y.-F., +Kung, M.-W., Chau, Y.-C., Lau, W.-Y. (2020). Online gambling in online gaming platforms. Presentation at the 5th Asian Pacific Problem Gambling and Addiction Conference (APPGAC), Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, November 27-28, 2020.
  15. CHUI, Raymond C. F. (May 3-4, 2019). Validating a Mindfulness-based Intervention for Drug Abusers with Alcohol Problem. Poster Presentation at the HKSYU IDS International Conference 2019, Hong Kong.
  16. Chui, Raymond C. F., Siu, K. F., Chen, H. Y. and Cheng, Angel C. Y. (Dec 2, 2016). Video game, social media usage and psychological well-being of college students in Hong Kong. Presentation at the Asia Mental Health Conference 2016, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.
  17. Chu, S. T., Lok, H. F., Chui, Raymond C. F. and Chan, C. K. (Dec 2, 2016). The relationship between bullying victimization and psychological health in the Chinese Context.  Presentation at the Asia Mental Health Conference 2016, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.
  18. Chan, Ray, Lau, Chloe and Chui, Raymond C. F. (May 21, 2016). Travel Characteristics of Potential Peer-To-Peer Accommodation Rental Customer: the Case of Hong Kong. Presentation at the 51th International Conference on Korea Hospitality and Tourism Academe, Sejong University, Seoul, Korea.
  19. Chang, Joyce S. H., Chui, Raymond C. F. and Ng, Anna P. L. (Nov 21, 2015). Bulter’s 8 Proven Keys on Healthy Aging. Poster Presentation at the 22nd Annual Congress of Gerontology, Hong Kong Association of Gerontology, Hong Kong.
  20. Au, Kahei Brigit, Chan, Chi-Keung and Chui, Raymond C. F. (June 13, 2015). The Relations of Traditional Bullying and Cyber-Bullying Victimization with Psychological Health. Poster Presentation at the Hong Kong Psychological Society Annual Conference 2015, the Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong.
  21. Hon, Ka-Hang Esther, Wong Shing-Fan Isaac, Chan, Chi-Keung and Chui, Raymond C. F. (June 13, 2015). The Effects of Interpersonal & Intrapersonal Factors on Psychological Resilience among Chinese College Students. Poster Presentation at the Hong Kong Psychological Society Annual Conference 2015, the Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong.
  22. Chui, Raymond C. F. (December 8-10, 2014). Smartphone Usage, Social Relations and Life Satisfaction of Hong Kong College Students. Paper presented at the HKAECT 2014 International Conference, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  23. Tsui, E. W. M., Chui, Raymond C. F. and Chan, Chi-Keung. (November 22, 2013). Positive Thinking and Psychological Well-Being among Chinese College Students in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Asia Mental Health Conference, Department of Social Work, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.
  24. Chui, Raymond C. F., & Chan, Chi-Keung. (April 4, 2013). The relations of school adjustment and social support with the mental health of Mainland Chinese college students studying in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Education and Psychology, Kitakyushu, Japan.
  25. Lau, Chloe K. H., Chui, Raymond C.F. and Kwan, Karen W. H. (May 24, 2012). Linkage of Event Importance, Impacts and Stakeholder Roles. Conference paper presented at the International Convention and Expo Summit 2012, organized by the School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 22-24 May 2012.
  26. Chui, Raymond C. F. (Dec 2003) Globalization, neo-liberalism and immigration of Chinese to New Zealand, in Quality-assured Stream: in Conference Proceedings of the 2003 Sociological Association of Aotearoa Conference: “Knowledge, Capitalism, Critique”. (December, 2003: Auckland University of Technology, Auckland).
  27. Chui, Raymond C. F. (Dec 2002) Economic Life of Hong Kong Chinese Immigrants, in the 2002 SAANZ Conference: “Social Science in the 21st Century”. (5-7 December 2002: the University of Canterbury, Christchurch).
Research Grants
  1. 2023: Project Coordinator: Developing a National and Values Education Online Learning Platform (T01/QESS/2022, $6,259,278) (Project Period: 2023-2025)
  2. 2022: Team Leader: Transformative and Resilient Youth (TRY) Gym: A Proactive and Co-creative Mental Health Training Programme (Mental Health Initiatives Funding Scheme, MHI_0051, $493,920) (Project Period: 2022-2023)
  3. 2022: Co-I: Positive Technology: Possible Synergies between Emerging Technologies and Positive Psychology (UGC/IIDS15/H01/21, $601,838) (Project Period: 2022-2023)
  4. 2021: Project Coordinator: Enhancing Students’ Work-Related Global Competency through Industrial Attachment Abroad Activities (IA02/QESS/2021, $3,548,453) (Project Period: 2021-2023)
  5. 2023: Project Coordinator: 香港樹仁大學-宜蘭大學台灣山區原住民社區兒童成長服務學習計劃 2021 (funded by Tin Ka Ping Foundation, $273,200) (Project Period: 2023)
  6. 2021: Co-I: Cultivating, Promoting, and Enhancing Meaning in Life Across Cultures and the Life Span (UGC/IIDS15/H01/20, $436,180) (Project Period: 2021-2022)
  7. 2020: Co-I: Youth Gambling Prevalence in Online Gaming and eSports Environment Research (funded by Hong Kong Jockey Club, $486,160) (Project Period: 2020-2021)
  8. 2020: Co-PI: Youth Identity Status and its Psychosocial Correlates: A Longitudinal Study in Hong Kong (UGC/IDS(C)14/B(E)01/19, $3,465,000) (Project Period: 2020-2023)
  9. 2022: Co-I: Enhancing Parents' Competency to Support the Social and Emotional Needs of Young Children Through a Parent-Based Empathy and Compassion Intervention (UGC/FDS15/H03/19, $1,059,439) (Project Period: 2022-2023)
  10. 2020: Co-I: An Evidence-based Study: Child-focused In-law Relationship Enhancement in Multi-generational Families, (funded by Lee Kum Kee Family Foundation, $920,413). (Project Period: 2020-2022)
  11. 2020: PI: Project Embrace – Mindfulness-based Intervention for Drug Abusers with Alcohol Problem, (funded by Beat Drugs Fund, $274,680). (Project Period: 2020-2021)
  12. 2018: Co-I: Positive Neuroscience: A Dialogue Between Scientists and Practitioners (UGC/IIDS15/H01/17, $785,665) (Project Period: 2018-2019)
  13. 2019: Team member: Formation of a Student Industrial Attachment Service Centre (IA02/QESS/2018, $3,759,500) (Project Period: 2019-2021)
  14. 2017: Team member: Further Enhancement of Interdisciplinary Research at Hong Kong Shue Yan University through the Establishment of the Centre of Interdisciplinary Research in Evidence-Based Practice (UGC/IDS15/16, $5,617,632) (Project Period: 2017-2019)
  15. 2018: Co-PI: 油麻地果欄的保育和活化方案研究 -- 原址保留或搬遷兩種情況下的研究方案, (Yau Tsim Mong District Council 2018, $398,000) (Project Period: 2018)
  • 2017 Outstanding Reviewer, Social Transformations in Chinese Societies
Acting as editor, special editor, or referee for learned journals; acting as academic referee for research councils, foundations or academic publishers
  1. External examiner, the Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Childhood Education, Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education, YCCECE. (2019 – present)
  2. Reviewer of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine (2022 – present)
  3. Reviewer of Youth and Society (2021 – present)
  4. Reviewer of Aging and Mental Health (2020 – present)
  5. Reviewer of Technology, Mind and Behavior (2020 – present)
  6. Reviewer of Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking (2013 – present)
  7. Reviewer of the Social Transformations in Chinese Societies (2016 – present)
  8. Reviewer of Hong Kong Journal of Social Work (2015 – present)
  9. Reviewer of Asian and Pacific Migration Journal (2019 – present)
  10. Finance Chair and Reviewer of the Meaning in Life International Conference 2022, June 22-25, 2022.
  11. Reviewer of the HKAECT International Conference 2021, June 24-26, 2021.
  12. Reviewer of the E-Learning Forum Asia 2017 (eLFA 2017), June 15-17, 2017
  13. Reviewer of the HKAECT-AECT 2017 Summer International Research Symposium, June 15-17, 2017.