Dr. Kitty MO Yuen-han 武婉嫻博士

Associate Professor
Academic and Professional Qualifications
- Diploma in Special Education, HKU SPACE
- Doctor of Social Work, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Master of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Bachelor of Social Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Registered Social Worker, Social Workers Registration Board
Areas of Interest
- Social work management, social work supervision, special education children, family therapy, parenting stress, digital social work, rehabilitation service
Courses Taught
- SW502 Advanced Interviewing Skills and Modalities Social Work Micro Practices
- SW390 Social Work Practice for Children with Special Educational Needs and Their Families
- SW321 Digital Social Work Practice
- SW441-2 Honours Project I & II
- Mo, Y. H. K. & Chan, S. T. M. (2024). Parenting Stress and Coping Strategies Among Parents of Children with ADHD in China. Journal of Child and Family Studies, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-024-02916-w
- O’Donoghue, K., & Mo, Y. H. K. (2024). Cyber-supervision during the Covid-19 pandemic: An exploratory international survey. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 36(2), 24–38.
- Zhang, X. H., Mo, K. Y. H., & Cheung, J. C. S. (2024). Factors Influencing Chinese Teachers’ Perceptions of Students with Special Education Needs: A Structural Equation Modeling.Sage Open, 1,1-12.
- Mo, Y. H. (2024). Metaverse Life Story Museum and Reminiscence Group Therapy for Older Adults in Hong Kong. Research on Social Work Practice, 1-9.
- Mo, Y. H., Fong, S.F.F., & Fung, J.W.F. (2024). Positive technology: A new opportunity for Hong Kong social workers In Chan, A.C. et al. (eds). Proceedings of the Positive Technology International Conference 2023 Positive Technology: Possible Synergies between Emerging Technologies and Positive Psychology (PT 2023), Atlantis Highlights in Social Sciences, Education and Humanities 19, https://doi.org/10.2991/978-94-6463-378-8_16
- Mo, K.Y. H., Hu, J., & Chan, O. F. (2024). Structural equation models in proactive coping, organizational resource and work engagement of Chinese social workers. Human Resources Management and Services, 6(1), 1-11.
- Mo, K. Y. H. & T. M. Chan (2023). The challenges of a stepfamily in Hong Kong Chinese culture. Applied Psychology Research, 2(1): 1355.
- Kitty Yuen-Han Mo, Yu-Cheung Wong & Ming-Sum Tsui (2023) Development of the Perceived Salient Organizational Career Management (OCM) Practices Scale in Southern China, Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance, 47:4, 264-278
- Mo, K. Y. H., Hu, J., & Chan, O. F. (2023). Studying Proactive Coping Behaviors of Chinese Social Workers: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Journal of Social Service Research, 50(1), 115–127.
- Yip, K. H., Yip, Y. C., Tsui, W. K., Chan, A. C. S., Mo, Y. H., Smith, G. D. (2023). Navigating changes: A qualitative study exploring the health-related quality of breast cancer survivors during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 1-14.
- Mo, K. Y.H., & Chan, O. F. (2023). Supervisory relationship in cyber supervision: Implications for social work supervision. International Social Work, 66(1), 65–79.
- Mo, K. Y., & O’Donoghue, K. (2022). Acceptance of using technologies in telesupervision during the pandemic: An international study. International Social Work, 67(1), 52-65.
- Tsang, W. H., Mo, K. Y. H., Cheung, J. C. S., & Wong, E. Y. W. (2022). Workers’ Acceptance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Practice during COVID-19: Search for Embracing Ethical Considerations in Hong Kong, Journal of Social Service Research DOI: 10.1080/01488376.2022.2100562
- Mo, K. Y. H., Leung, C. T. L., & Chan, S. T. M. (2022). Satisfaction with organizational career management and the turnover intention of social workers in Guangdong province, China. Journal of Social Service Research, 1-12
- Mo, Y. K., & Chan, T. S. (2022). The factors affecting curriculum design of social work degree programs in Mainland China: Accounts of social work educators. International Social Work, 002087282110736
- Mo, Y. H. (2022). A study on positive organizational scholarship and social worker self-care in Guangdong region, China. Qualitative Social Work, 0(0) 1–17 DOI: 10.1177/14733250211057107
- Mo, Y. H. (2021). Supervision and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). In O’ Donoghue, K., & Engelbrecht, L. (2021). The Routledge International Handbook of Social Work Supervision. Taylor & Francis Group: Routledge. (Part 7 Chapter 51)
- Mo, Y. H. (2021). The emergence of social work supervision in China. In O’ Donoghue, K., & Engelbrecht, L. (2021). The Routledge International Handbook of Social Work Supervision. Taylor & Francis Group: Routledge. (Part 1 Chapter 8)
- Mo, Y. H., & Chan, T. M. S. (2021). An exploration of the current challenges in social work education in Mainland China, Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 00, 1-11.
- Mo, Y. H. & Ho, W. M. (2021). Predictors of job satisfaction of Chinese social workers in Mainland China, Journal of Social Service Research. DOI: 10.1080/01488376.2021.1928587
- Mo, Y. H., & Chan, T. M. S. (2021). The barriers of the involvement of parents of children with ADHD in schools: the implications for school social work practice in China, Journal of social Work DOI: 10.1080/01488376.2021.1928587
- Chan, T. M. S., & Mo, Y. H. (2021). The Socio-cultural Interpretation of Parental Stress of Chinese Parents of Children with Dyslexia – Implications for Social Work Practice, Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10560-021-00753-0
- Chan, T. M. S., & Mo, Y. H. (2020). Parent-child Interactive Stress in Chinese Families with Children who have Attention- Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10560-021-00744-1
- Mo, Y. H., O'Donoghue, K., Wong, P., & Tsui, M. S. (2020). The historical development of knowledge in social work supervision: Finding new directions from the past. International Social Work, 64(2) 187–200
- Mo, Y. H. & Chan, T. M. S. (2020). Professional identity of social work students in Mainland China: social work educator accounts, China Journal of Social Work, DOI: 10.1080/17525098.2021.1835149
- Mo, Y. H. (2020). In Search of a Cyber Supervision Process: From the Perspective of Social Work Supervisees in Mainland China, Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 18(1), 71-84
- Mo, Y. H. (2019). An exploration of social work in Mainland China, China Journal of Social Work, 12(1): 70-89.
- Mo, Y. H., Leung, T. L., & Tsui, M. S. (2019). Chaos in order: The evolution of social work supervision practice in the Chinese Mainland. The Clinical Supervisor, 38(2), 345-365.
- Mo, Y. H. & O’Donoghue, K. (2018). A snapshot of cyber supervision in Mainland China. Qualitative Social Work, 0(0): 1-18.
- Mo Y. H. & Lai H. S. (2018) Social worker turnover issue in Mainland China: Organizations can do something, The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, 52(1/2): 63-83.
- Mo, Y. H. & Tsui, M. S. (2018). Toward an indigenized external supervision approach in China, International Social Work, 00(0), 1–18.
- Mo, Y. H. & O’Donoghue, K. (2018). Nurturing a budding flower: External supervisors’ support of the developmental needs of Chinese social workers in Shenzhen, China, International Social Work 00(0), 1–15.
- Mo, Y. H. (2017) Organisational transformation: a case study of the Chinese Mainland, China Journal of Social Work, 10:2-3, 166-181.
- Mo, Y. H. (2016). In Search of a Professional Supervisory Practice: External Social Work Supervision in China Asian Social Work and Policy Review. 10: 349–357.
- Mo, Y. H. and Tsui, M. S. (2016). External supervision for social workers in another socio-political context: a qualitative study in Shenzhen, China. China Journal of Social Work, 9(1): 62-73.
Conferences Attended and Presentations Delivered
- Abstract oral presentation of “When children with intellectual disabilities grow up, parents’ expectations and worries” IIDS Conference on The Future Development of Caregiving Policy and Practice in Hong Kong: International Perspectives and Local Initiatives. November 8-11, Hong Kong
- Abstract oral presentation of “Quality school to work transition strategies for persons with intellectual disabilities and their family carers” The 7th International Conference on Social Science and Business. July 4-6 Osaka, Japan
- Abstract oral presentation of “Quality transition strategies for young people with intellectual disabilities” in UNITE SpLD 2024 conference. Singapore 21st June to 22nd June, 2024
- Abstract oral presentation of “Quality transition from school to work: A vocational education approach to support young people with intellectual disabilities” International Symposium on Education and Social Sciences December 21 – 23, 2023 Tokyo, Japan
- Abstract oral presentation of “Positive stress coping strategies in parents of children with special education needs” in UNITE SpLD 2020 Online conference. Singapore 23th June to 24th June, 2022
- Abstract oral presentation of “Investigating stress resulting from interactions between parents and their children with ADHD.” in UNITE SpLD 2021 Online conference. Singapore 24th June to 25th June, 2021
- Abstract oral presentation of “Organizational career management, social workers turnover and mental wellness” International Social Work Education and Development Online Conference 2021 April 14-17
- Abstract oral presentation of “Organizational Career Management and job satisfaction of Chinese social workers in Mainland China” in IFSW Global Social Work Online Conference titled: The 2020 to 2030 Social Work Global Agenda: Co-Building Social Transformation
- Abstract oral presentation of “The needs of children with dyslexia and parental stress in Mainland China” in IFSW Global Social Work Online Conference titled: The 2020 to 2030 Social Work Global Agenda: Co-Building Social Transformation
- Abstract oral presentation of “Parental involvement in school in Mainland China” in UNITE SpLD 2020 Online conference. Singapore 24th June to 25th June, 2020
- Abstract oral presentation of “Reclaiming the Learning and Reflection of Social Work Values in Fieldwork Placement: Social Work Students’ and Fieldwork Supervisors’ Account in the International Conference on Discovery and Innovation in Social Work and Fieldwork Education to be held on June 19, 2020 Hong Kong
- Abstract oral presentation of “Role play and skills development” in IFTA 2019 World Family Therapy Congress, Aberdeen Scotland, 28th-30th March, 2019
- Abstract oral presentation of “Developing cross-cultural competencies in a social work curriculum” and “Exploring the use of social mobile application in social work supervision” In Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development, 4th- 7th June, 2018, Ireland
- Abstract oral presentation of “Towards an indigenized external supervision approach in China” In IFTA 2018 World Family Therapy Congress, Bangkok, 8th-10th March, 2018
- Invited plenary speaker of “The Review and Prospect of 20 Years of Social Work partnership with the social workers in Mainland China”, Institute of Social Service Development
- Abstract oral presentation of “Historical Development of Supervision Knowledge”, In IFTA 2017 World Family Therapy Congress, Malaga, Spain, 16th-18th March, 2017
- Abstract oral presentation of “External Social Work Supervision, Sunrise or Sunset”, In Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development, 27th-30th June, 2016, South Korea
- Abstract oral presentation of “In Search of a Knowledge Map for Social Work Supervision”, In Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development, 27th-30th June, 2016, South Korea
- Invited plenary speaker of “Special needs education in Hong Kong”, In Conference of Social Work, Guangzhou, 14th March, 2016.
- Abstract oral presentation of “Needs of Social Workers in Chinese Mainland”, In Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development,9th-12th July, 2014, Melbourne
- Abstract oral presentation of the topic “Carer Support Service Program at Guangzhou Sanyuanli Community. At Conference The 10th International Conference on Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society, 11th June, 2014
Research Grants
- 2024 PI “Phase Two of IT Consultancy Support Programme for NPOs” (The Hong Kong Productivity Council (Amount: HK$ 1,200,000) (Project period: 15/8/2024 - 31/12/2027)
- 2023 PI “Quality transition strategies facilitating the transition from teenage to adulthood for persons with intellectual disabilities and their family carers” (University Grants Committee (UGC): Research funding for the local self-financing degree sector which is administered by University Grants Committee (UGC) (Project reference no.: UGC/FDS15/H09/22) (Amount: HK$ 635,387) (Project period: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2024) (Principal investigator).
- 2022: PI: “Research on the Effectiveness of nonviolent communication in enhancing family relationship” (Harmony House research funding, HK$400,000) (Project period: 15/2/2022 – 14/2/2024)
- 2019: PI: “Social worker turnover and organizational career management in social work organizations of Mainland China” (UGC/FDS11/H04/18, HK$745,875) (Project period: 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2020)
- 2019: PI: “The experiences of Chinese parents and children with dyslexia and specific learning difficulties in Mainland China (A pilot study)” (IRG190101, Internal research grant project (CIHE), HK$15,000) (Project period: 1/7/2019- 30/6/2020)
- 2015: PI: “Hong Kong’s role and contribution to the development of social work in the Mainland China” (Agency funded research project ISSD, HK$60000) (Project period: 30/5/2015- 30/8/2016)
Research Reports
- Mo, Y. H. (2024) Research Report title “Quality transition strategies facilitating the transition from teenage to adulthood for persons with intellectual disabilities and their family carers” RGC competitive research funding schemes for the local self-financing degree sector. Published report.
- Mo, Y. H. (2021) Research Report title ““Social worker turnover and organizational career management in social work organizations of Mainland China”, RGC competitive research funding schemes for the local self-financing degree sector. Unpublished report.
- Mo, Y. H. (2021) Research Report title “The experiences of Chinese parents and children with dyslexia and specific learning difficulties in Mainland China (A pilot study)”. Caritas Institution of Higher Education. Unpublished report.
- Mo, Y. H. (2017). Research Report title “Hong Kong’s role and contribution to the development of social work in the Mainland China”. Institute of Social Service Development. Published report.
- Mo, Y. H., Lo, & W. C., Li, W. Y (2015) Research Report of Effectiveness of Social Work Supervision in Zhongshan. Published report.
- Mo, Y. H., Lo, W. C., Li, W. Y, and Ma, L. F. (2013) Research Report of Effectiveness of Social Work Supervision in Zhongshan. Published report.
- Mo, Y. H., (2011) Effectiveness Study of Shenzhen Social Work Supervision Project, Institute of Social Service Development, Published report.
Editorial Duties
- International Social Work (Associate editor, 2018-date)
- Journal of Evidence-based social work (Editorial board member, 2019-date)
- 2024 HKSYU Teaching Excellence Award
- 2011: Shenzhen Social Work Supervisor Silver Award (深圳社會工作督導銀獎)
- 2014: Guangdong Hong Kong Supervisor Award (第三屆廣東省香港督導嘉許)
- 2015: ZhongShan Outstanding Hong Kong Supervisor (第一屆中山市優秀香港督導)
- 2015: National Supervisor Training Outstanding Trainer Award (全國社會工作督導人才培養計劃優秀講師獎)
- 2019: National One Hundred Social worker Award (2019年度中國百名社工人物)
- 2021: Sanit Francis Excellence Teaching Award
- Professional social work consultant of Boys’ Brigade Hong Kong
- Chairman of Social Service Committee of Tsuen Wan Church of the Christian Missionary Alliance
- Board member of C.&M.A. Chui Chak Lam Memorial School