Prof. Petrus NG Yat-nam 吳日嵐教授

Distinguished Professor 卓越教授
Academic and Professional Qualifications
  1. Management Development Program, Harvard Institutes for Higher Education, Graduate School of Education, Harvard University, US
  2. PhD., University of Essex, UK
  3. PsyD., in Clinical Psychology, California School of Professional Psychology, Alliant International University, US 
  4. M.A. in Social Service Planning, University of Essex, UK
  5. M.A. in Clinical Psychology, California School of Professional Psychology, Alliant International University, US
  6. Bachelor of Arts (Distinction), Hong Kong Baptist University
  7. The Clinical Externship Program in Family Therapy, Ackerman Institution for the Family, New York
  8. HonDip. in Social Work, Hong Kong Baptist University
  9. Approved Counselling Supervisor, Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association
  10. Fellow, Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association
  11. Registered Clinical Psychologist, Psychology Board of Australia
  12. Certified Cognitive Therapist, Academy of Cognitive Therapy, PA, US.
  13. EMDR Trainer, EMDR Institute, Inc., US
  14. Sex Therapist, the Florida Postgraduate Sex Therapy Training Institute, US.
  15. Registered Social Worker, Social Workers Registration Board, Hong Kong
Areas of Interest
  • Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Integrated Mental Health Practice, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Social Work Practice and Psychotherapy, Crisis and Trauma Interventions, Family and Sex Therapy
Courses Taught
  • SW 501 Interprofessional Collaboration in Social Work Practice 
  • Honours Project
Selected Publications since 2000
  1. Young, K. W. D., Kwok, C. Y. T., Ng, Y. N. P., Ng, S. M., & Chen, Q. R. J. (2024). Multicomponent intervention on improving the cognitive ability of older adults with mild cognitive impairment: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 1–23.
  2. NG, P.Y.N., Yang, S. & Chiu, R.  (2024). Features of emerging adulthood, perceived stress and life satisfaction in Hong Kong emerging adults. Current Psychology.
  3. Wong, D.F.K., Cheung, Y.C.H, Oades, L.G, Ye, S,S,, Ng, Y.N.P. (2024). Strength-based cognitive-behavioural therapy and peer-to-peer support in the recovery process for people with schizophrenia: A randomised control trial. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 2024;70(2):364-377. doi:10.1177/00207640231212096
  4. Young, D.K.W., Carlbring, P., Ng, P.Y.N., Cheng, D.Y.T., Chen, J.Q.R., Ng, S.M. (2023). Low-intensity online mindfulness-based intervention for university students with anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic – A randomized controlled trial with 3-month follow-up. Internet Interventions.
  5. Chen, Q-R., Young, D.K.W. Ng, Y.N.P., Cheng, D.Y.T., Zhang, W.F.  (2022). Strengths Assessment in Mental Health Services: A Systematic Review. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work.
  6. Young, D.K.W., Carlbring, P, Ng, P.Y.N., Chen, J.Q.R. (2022). Feasibility of Self-Guided Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for University Students During COVID-19. Research on Social Work Practice. doi:10.1177/10497315221087904
  7. Young, D. K.W., Carlbring, P., NG, P.Y.N., & Chen Q-R, J. (2022). Telephone- Supported Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for People with Depression: Users’ Perspective. Research on Social Work Practice.
  8. Yang, S., Ng, P.Y.N., Chiu, R. Li, S.S., Klassen, R.M. (2020). Criteria for adulthood, resilience, and self-esteem among emerging adults in Hong Kong: A path analysis approach. Children and Youth Services Review.
  9. Young, D.K.W., Ng, P.Y.N., Corrigan, P., Chiu, R. & Yang, S. (2020). Self-stigma reduction group for people with depression: A randomized controlled trial. Research on Social Work Practice. doi: 10.1177%2F1049731520941594.
  10. Young, D. K., Ng, P. Y., Cheng, D., Kwok, T., Yang, S., Ho, F., … Lau, (2019). A. Outcomes of expanded cognitive stimulation therapy group for mild-stage dementia: Four-month follow-up. Research on Social Work Practice. doi: 10.1177/1049731519859432.
  11. Young, D. K. W., Ng, P. Y. N., & Cheng, D. (2019). Destigmatized group intervention on promoting hope of recovery: A quasi-experiment study. Research on Social Work Practice. doi: 10.1177/1049731519841432.
  12. Young, D.K.W., Ng P.Y.N., Cheng, D. & Leung, C.H. (2018). Effects of physical activity intervention for Chinese people with severe mental illness, Research in Social Work Practice,
  13. Young, D.K.W., Ng, P.Y.N., Cheng, D. & Leung, C. H. (2018). A Vocational Recovery Model for Young People with Mental Illness— A Pretest-Posttest. Research on Social Work Practice.
  14. Young, D.K.W., Ng, P.Y.N., & Cheng, D. (2017). Psychoeducation Group on Improving quality of life of mild cognitive impaired elderly. Research on Social Work Practice. doi: 10.1177/1049731517732420.
  15. Young, K. W., Ng, P., Kwok, T. & Cheng, D. (2017). The effects of holistic health group interventions on improving the cognitive ability of persons with mild cognitive impairments: a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Intervention in Aging, 12, 1543-1551. doi: /CIA.S142109.
  16. Ng, P., Young, D. K., Pan, J., & Law, K.-K. (2018). The effects of a community mental health intervention project upon family caregivers of persons with suspected mental illness in the Chinese cultural context. International Social Work, 61(6), 1067-1082.
  17. Young, D.K.W., Ng, P.Y.N. & Pan, J. (2017). Predictors and Prevalence of Recovery and Remission for Consumers Discharged from Mental Hospitals in a Chinese Society. Psychiatr Quarterly, 88, 839–851 (2017).
  18. Pan, J. Y., Ng, P., Young, D. K. W., & Caroline, S. (2017). Effectiveness of cognitive behavioural group intervention on acculturation: A study of students in Hong Kong from Mainland China. Research on Social Work Practice, 27(1), 68-79. doi: 10.1177/1049731516646857.
  19. Sivan, A. Tam, V. C., Tam, E., Ho, M., Kwan, Y. W., Lobo, L., Ng, J., Ng, P., Wong, O., and Yeung, S. W. (2016). Building learning community through a transdisciplinary multi-layered approach. Learning Communities Journal, 8(1), 71-97.
  20. Pan, J. Y., Ye, S. & Ng, P. (2016).  Validation of the automatic thoughts questionnaire (ATQ) among mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 72(1), 38-48. doi: 10.1002/jclp.22193
  21. Ng, P., Su, X. S., Lai, G., Chan, D., Ho, E., Chan, V., Leung, H., Kwan, V. & Li, C. (2016). A holistic model of student development: The validation of whole person development inventory for college students in Hong Kong. Measurement and Evaluation in Counselling and Development. doi: 10.1177/0748175615625748
  22. Young, D. K.W., Ng, P. Y. N., Pan, J.Y., & Cheng, D. (2017). Validity and Reliability of Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness (Cantonese). Research on Social Work Practice, 27(1), 103-110.
  23. Young, D., Ng, P., Pan, J., & Cheng, D. (2016). Are recovery and quality of life different outcome measures for community-based psychosocial program? Social Work in Mental Health, 14(4), 360–378.
  24. Young DK-W, Ng PY-N. (2016). The prevalence and predictors of self-stigma of individuals with mental health illness in two Chinese cities. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 62(2), 176-185. doi:10.1177/0020764015614596
  25. Lam, P. C. W., Ng, P., Pan, J., & Young, D. K. W. (2015). Ways of coping of Chinese caregivers for family members with schizophrenia in two metropolitan cities: Guangzhou and Hong Kong, China. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 61(6), 591-599. doi: 10.1177/ 0020764014565797 
  26. Young D, Kwok TC, Ng P. (2014). A single blind randomized control trial on support groups for Chinese persons with mild dementia. Clinical Intervention in Aging. 9, 2105-2112.
  27. Pan, J., Ng, P. Y. N., & Young, K. W. D. (2014). The impact of caregivers on the effectiveness of an early community mental health detection and intervention programme in Hong Kong. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, (first published online: 9 November 2014). doi: 10.1111/eip.12200
  28. Young, K. W., Ng, P., & Pan, J.Y. (2014). Functional recovery of consumers discharged from mental hospital and participating in a community-based psychosocial programme provided by a non-governmental organization. East Asian Archives of Psychiatry, 24(2), 139-141.
  29. Ng, P., Ho, W. C., Tusn, A. & Young, D. K. W. (2014). Coping with bereavement of widows in the Chinese cultural context of Hong Kong, International Social Work, (OnlineFirst Version, 24 March 2014). doi: 10.1177/ 0020872813509395.
  30. Ng. P., Pan, J. Y., Lam, P. & Leung, A. (2014). Quality of life in people with mental illness in non-residential community mental health services in Hong Kong. East Asian Archives of Psychiatry, 24(2), 43-50. 
  31. Ng, P., Tsun, A., Su, S., & Young, D. (2013). Cognitive behavioral intervention in the Chinese cultural context: A case report. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry, 5, 205-211. doi: 10.1111/appy.12092.
  32. Lam, P.C.W., Ng, P., & Tori, C. (2013). Burdens and psychological health of family caregivers of people with schizophrenia in two Chinese metropolitan cities: Hong Kong and Guangzhou. Community Mental Health Journal. doi: 10.1007/s10597-013-9622-6. )
  33. Ng, P., Su, S., Chan, V., Leung, H., Cheung, W., & Tsun, A. (2012). The reliability and validity of a Campus Caring Instrument developed for undergraduate students in Hong Kong. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 46(2), 88-100. doi: 10.1177/0748175612467463. 
  34. Ng, P., Chun, R W.K., Tsun, A., (2012). Recovering from hallucinations: A qualitative study of coping with voices hearing of people with schizophrenia in Hong Kong. The Scientific World Journal. (online publication). doi: 10.1100/2012/232619. 
  35. Ng, P., Wan, E., Law, K. K., Yip, C. Y., Lau, R., Law, W. Y., Lee, P. T. & Tse, K. M. (2011). The effects of a 12-month community mental health care service in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, 45(1/2), 59-72. doi: 10.1142/S0219211000076.
  36. Ho, W. C., Lee, W. L., Chan, C. M., Ng, Y. N., & Choy, Y.H. (2010). Hong Kong’s elite structure, legislature and the bleak future of democracy under Chinese sovereignty. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 40(3), 466-486. doi: 10.1080/00472331003798442. 
  37. Ng, P., & Ho, W.C. (2010). Developing clinical competence with Chinese consultee: Applying a generic model in mental health social work consultation. Practice: Social work in action, 22(3),167-180. doi: 10.1080/09503153.2010.482203. 
  38. Ho, W. C. & Ng, Y. N. (2008). Community Resource Identification for the Elderly in Hudong, Shanghai. In J. Ma, K. L. Tang & N. P. Ngai (Eds.) Social Work Development in Chinese Societies under Globalization. Shanghai: Shanghai Century Publishing Group, pp. 108-123
  39. Chan, K.F., Ng, P. Y. N., Bian, Z. X., Shi, Y., Lee, S. P. & Ng, K. Y. (2008). Social work at the Chinese medicine system in Hong Kong: Opportunities and challenges. Social Work in Health Care, 46(4) 39-55. doi: 10.1300/J010v46n04_03
  40. Ng, P. & Chan, K. F. (2008). Integrated group program for improving sleep quality of elderly people. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 51(3-4), 367-378. doi: 10.1080/01634370802039726.
  41. Ng, P., Chan, K. F. & Ho, W. C. (2008). A study on mental health of secondary school students in three metropolitan cities in China: Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Beijing. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 20(1), 53-62. doi: 10.1515/IJAMH2008.20.1.53
  42. Ho, W. C. & Ng, P. (2008). Public amnesia and multiple modernities in Shanghai: Narrating the postsocialist future in a former socialist “Model Community”. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography. 37(4), 383-416. doi: 10.1177/0891241607309622. (August, 2008)
  43. Ng, P., & Chan, (2007). W. Group psychosocial program for enhancing psychological well-being of people with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation.6(3), 75-87.
  44. Chan, Kai-fong, Ng, P., & Ng, Ka-ying. (2006). The effects of an intervention group with the support of non-pharmacological Chinese medicine on older Chinese adults with insomnia: A pilot study. International Social Work, 49(6), 791-803. doi: 10.1177/0020872806069083
  45. Lam, P. C. W., & Ng, P. (2006). The role of work on family relationships: A study of sheltered workers with long-term mental illness in Hong Kong, Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation, 5(2), 31-48. 
  46. Ng, P, & Ho, W.C. (2006). Experience in coping with Alzheimer’s disease at home: A study of Chinese family caregivers, Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation, 4(4), 1-14. 
  47. Ng, P. Y. N., & Ho, W. C. (2006). Mobilizing community resources for intergenerational programming in urban communities in China. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 4(4), 23-41. 
  48. Ng, P., & Chan K. F. (2006). Attitudes towards people with mental illness. Effects of a training program for secondary school students. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 14(3), 215-224.
  49. Yip, K. S., & Ng, Y. N. (2002). Chinese cultural dynamics of un-employability of male adult mental health consumers in Hong Kong, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 26(2),197-202.
  50. Barker, L. Cheung, S., & Ng, P. (2000). Facing up to life in Hong Kong. A Life in the Day (Work and daytime opportunities for people who use mental health services), 4(2), 21-27, Pavilion Publishing. 
  51. Chan, K. F. and Ng, P. (2000). Attitudes of adolescents toward mental illness: A comparison between Hong Kong and Guangzhou samples. The International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 12(2-3), 159-175.
  52. Ng, P. and Chan, K. F. (2000). Sex differences in opinion towards mental illness of secondary school students in Hong Kong. The International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 46(2), 79-88. 
  53. Ng, P. (2000). Planning in the face of diverse voices: An application of nominal group method to needs identification in the mental health services. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 27(4), 247-252.
Conferences Attended and Papers Delivered
  1. Invited Presenter, Mental health services in Hong Kong; The trajectory of Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Asia Pacific International Mental Wellness Conference 2023. Organized by Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong, 7-9 December 2023.
  2. Invited Presenter, Mental health: Multicultural dimensions in Asia and Beyond. Untapped contributions of counselling to the mental health service in Hong Kong – School counselling and guidance as a case in point. Paper presented at the Virtual Asian Mental Health Symposium. Hosted by Indian Academy of Professional Supervisors (IAPS), 9-10 April 2022.
  3. The development and validation of the whole person development inventory for tertiary students in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 2014 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, organized by AERA, held in Philadelphia, USA, 3-7 April 2014.  
  4. Invited Presenter, The burdens of caregiving for people with mental illness in the community. Paper presented at the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Symposium, organized by the Hong Kong Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, held in Hong Kong, 1 December 2012. 
  5. Invited Presenter, Early community mental health intervention service for people with mental illness in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Knowledge Mobilization Symposium: Social Work with Chinese Communities – Integration of Research & Professional Practice in a Global Context, organized by Social Work Department of University of Calgary and University of British Columbia in Vancouver, 30 September to 2 October 2012.
  6. Invited Presenter and Trainer, Application of Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing in Group Counselling at the First Group Counseling and Group Psychotherapy Conference in China, organized by Psychology Department of Tsinghua University in Beijing, 12-14 May 2012.
  7. Invited Keynote Speaker, Enhancing collaboration in social services for people with disabilities between Guangzhou and Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Symposium on Guangzhou – Hong Kong Social Services for People with Disabilities, organized by the Guangzhou Federation of People with Disabilities in Guangzhou, 27-29 March 2009.
  8. Community resources in community care for elderly people in Hudong, Shanghai. Paper presented at the Social Work Symposium: Knowledge, Practice and Research in Chinese Societies – Challenges ahead, organized by the Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2-6 December 2003.
  9. Invited Presenter, Self-esteem and mental health of secondary school students in three major metropolitan cities in China: Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing. Paper presented at the International Conference on Working with Youth in a Rapidly Changing World, organized by the Department of Social Work, Hong Kong Baptist University, 28-29 November 2003.
  10. Mental Health of Secondary School Students: A Comparison between Hong Kong and Shanghai Samples. Paper presented at the Symposium on Entering a New Millennium: Advances in Social Welfare in Hong Kong. Organized by the Department of Social Work, New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, May 31, 2000
Research Grants 
  • 2022: PI, The effects of the Expanded Coming Out Proud group on reducing self-stigma of people with schizophrenia in Hong Kong, (GRF, HK$724,800) (2022-2024)
  • 2021: PI, Photovoice intervention on reducing self-stigma of Chinese people with a mental illness in Hong Kong – a randomized control study. (Funded by HKBU FRG, HK$150,000) (2021-2023)
  • 2020: Co-I, The positive effects of online MBI for people with depression: A randomized controlled study, (Funded by HKBU FNRA, HK$996,220) (2020-2022)
  • 2020, Co-I, The effectiveness of a professionally-facilitated recovery-oriented cognitive-behaviour approach for people with schizophrenia in Hong Kong: A comparison to a peer-led peer support programme, (GRF, HK$$770,936) (2020-2022)
  • 2019: Co-I: Development and evaluation of the effectiveness of an online cognitive behavioral intervention program for Hong Kong people with social anxiety disorder, Research Impact Fund (RIF) for 2018/19, HK$4,400,359) (2019-2022)
  • 2019: Co-I, Development of an online cognitive behavioral intervention program to reduce depressive symptoms for adults with depression, (Innovation and Technology Fund for Better Living (FBL), HK$4,198,105) (2019-2022)
  • 2018: Co-I, Internet-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for depression-- A randomized controlled trial, (Funded by HKBU FRG, HK$150,000) (2018-2020)
  • 2016: Co-I, Single blinded randomized control study on Cognitive Stimulation Therapy for Chinese people with mild neurocognitive disorder, (GRF, HK$373,100) (2016-2019)
  • 2016: PI, Whole person development of secondary school students in Hong Kong (Funded by HKBU, HK$138,228) (2016-2018)
  • 2016: PI, Cognitive behavioral stress management program for Mainland college students in Hong Kong: A randomized controlled trial. (GRF, HK$418,500) (2016-2019)
  • 2015: PI, A study on burdens of family caregiving in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, (Funded by the HKBU FRG, Mini-area of Excellence, HK$ 30,000) (2015-2016)
  • 2013: PI, Adolescent or adult? The challenges of emerging adulthood in contemporary Hong Kong. (GRF, HK$ 426,844) (2013-2016)
  • 2009: PI, Whole-Person development assessment of university students, (Funded by HKBU Strategic Development Fund, HK$ 1,376,940) (2010-2013)
  • 2009: PI, Enhancing fresh graduates’ research abilities for employment through developing the holistic assessment outcome-based learning for university students for “3+3+4”, (UGC Additional Funding Support for New Initiatives, HK$ 830,000) (2010-2013)
  • 2009: PI, A study of the quality of life of people participating in a community mental health care program, Funded by HKBU FRG, HK$ 50,000) (2009-2010)
  • 2008: PI, A study of the Community mental health intervention project for persons with suspected mental health problems, (Funded by T.W.G.Hs, HK$ 228,000) (2008-2011). 
  • 2007: PI, A study of campus caring of Hong Kong Baptist University students, (Funded by HKBU Student Affairs Office, HK$100,000) (2007-2008)
  • 2006: PI, A study of the TWGHs Community Mental Health Care Services. (Funded by T.W.G.Hs, HK$ 120,000) (2006-2008)
  • 2005: Co-I, Chinese medical social service pilot project, (Funded by S.K. Yee Medical Foundation, HK$ 766,949) (2005-2007) 
  • 2004: PI, A study on the effects of a project of esteem-shooting of young people. (Funded by T.W.G.Hs Lei Tung Integrated Service for Young People, HK$ 72,650) (2004-2005)
  • 2002: PI, A qualitative study on the aftercare service for people with mental illness in Hong Kong, with Christian Family Service Centre and Stewards Limited, (Funded by HKBU FRG, HK$ 45,850) (2002-2003)
  • 2001: PI, A comparative study on the weaknesses and potentials of two communities in promoting care to the elderly-towards better community care policies for elderly service in Hong Kong and Shanghai, (Funded by HKBU FRG, HK$ 88,180) (2001-2002).
  • 2000: PI, Children and youth EQ training project, with The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong, Health Care and Promotion Fund (HK$ 296,265) (2000-2001)
  • 2000: Co-I, Working with clients with schizophrenia and their carers, (HKBU, Teaching Development Grants, HK$ 98,890) (2000-2001)
  • 1998: Co-PI, A study on emotion and value education program for junior secondary school students in Hong Kong, with Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service. (Funded by Quality Education Fund, HK$ 254,000), (1998-2000)
  • 1998: PI, An exploratory study on rehabilitation of young drug abusers in Hong Kong, (Funded by HKBU FRG, HK$ 34,960) (1998-1999)
  • 1996: Co-PI, A Study on mental health of secondary school students in Shanghai and the possibility to develop Mental Health Education Curriculum in Shanghai and Hong Kong, with Research Centre of Eastern China Normal University (Funded by HKBU FRG, HK$ 198,408) (1996-1998).
  • 1996: Co-I, Enhancing the quality of fieldwork instruction through student-teacher partnership in action research, (Funded by UGC Grants Committee for Action Learning Project, HK$ 196,312) (1996-1998)
  • 1994: Co-PI, Problems in vocational rehabilitation: A study of the difficulties and impacts of mixed disabilities groups of mentally handicap and mentally Ill working in sheltered workshop, (Funded by Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong, HK$ 100,000) (1994-1995)
  • 1994: PI, The working life of deaf people in Hong Kong: An exploratory study of difficulties on employment of deaf people, (Funded by HKBU FRG, HK$ 24,941) (1994-1995)
  • 1994: PI, Secondary school students’ mental health and attitudes towards mental illness in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, (Funded by HKBU FRG, HK$ 99,965) (1994-1995)
  • 1994: PI, Work and psychiatric rehabilitation: A study on the impacts of work on the rehabilitation of psychiatric disabled persons in Hong Kong. (Funded by HKBU FRG, HK$ 29,210) (1994-1995)
  • 1991: PI, Vocational rehabilitation for mental ex patients: An experience in Hong Kong, (Funded by Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong, HK$50,000) (1991-1992)
Services (Professional and Community)
  1. 2019: Member of the Social Welfare Advisory Committee, Secretary for Labour and Welfare Government Secretariat, the Government of the HKSAR 
  2. 2019: 廣東省本科高校社會工作專業教學指導委員會副主任委員,廣東省教育廳。
  3. 2018: Elected President, Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association (2018-2022)
  4. 2019: Member of the Social Welfare Advisory Committee, Secretary for Labour and Welfare Government Secretariat, the Government of the HKSAR 
  5. 2018: Elected Chairperson, Executive Committee, Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong
  6. 2017: Fellow of Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association
  7. 2016: Council Member, Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association (2016-2024)
  8. 2005: Member, Mental Health Review Tribunal, appointed by the Government of the HKSAR (2005-2011)
  9. 2007: Member, Working Group on the Revision of Code of Practice for Residential Care Homes for Persons with Disabilities, Social Welfare Department
  10. 2003: Panel Member, Vetting Committee on Modernization Program of Integrated Children and Youth Services Centres, Social Welfare Department

Publications of Book Chapters

  1. Ng, P., Chiu, R. & Su, S. (2022). Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy- Application with anxiety disorder of youth and adolescents, in D. Yeung and P. Ng (Eds). Children and Adolescents Mental Health: Counselling and Community Mental Health Services. (pp. 117-132). Hong Kong Commercial Press (in Chinese).
  2. Ng, P, Pan, J.Y., Chiu, R. & Su, S. (2016). Application of positive cognitive behavioral intervention, in D. Yeung & P. Ng (Eds.) Mental health and counselling: Theory and case studies. (pp. 229-253). Hong Kong: Commercial Press (in Chinese).  
  3. Ng, P. & Su, S. (2013). Developing a culturally sensitive cognitive behavioral intervention for Chinese people, in D. Yeung (ed.), Recovery and counseling of people with mental health problem. (pp. 193-208). Hong Kong: Commercial Press. (in Chinese)
  4. Ng, P. & Ho, W.C. (2008). Identifying community resources for elderly people in Hudong Shanghai, in J.L.C. Ma et al (eds.), Chinese social work in the era of globalization. (pp. 108-123). Shanghai People’s Publishing House.
  5. Ng, P. and Chan K.F. (2002). A comparative study of mental health of secondary school students in Hong Kong and Shanghai, in D.T.L. Shek, M.C. Lam, C.F. Au and J.J. Lee (eds) Advances in Social Welfare in Hong Kong. (pp. 155-173). Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press.
  6. Chan, K.F. and Ng, P. (2001) Mental health situation of secondary school students in Hong Kong and Shanghai. In K.F. Chan and D. Wu (Eds). A Comparative analysis of mental health of adolescents in Hong Kong and Shanghai. (pp. 35-59). Hong Kong: Writer’s Publishers Cooperative. (in Chinese)
  7. Ng, P. (2001). Factors affecting mental health of secondary school students in Hong Kong: A view from peers. In K.F. Chan and D. Wu (Eds). A Comparative analysis of mental health of adolescents in Hong Kong and Shanghai. (pp. 91-104). Hong Kong: Writer’s Publishers Cooperative. (in Chinese)