Mr. Toby YIP Chi-yan 葉智仁老師

Academic and Professional Qualifications
  • Doctoral student, Doctor of Social Science in Applied Social Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • M.Phil. (Communication), Department of Journalism & Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • B.S.W. (Merit), Hong Kong Baptist College, Hong Kong.
  • Advanced Diploma in Biblical Studies (Distinction), Divinity School of Chung Chi College, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • Diploma in Theology (Distinction), School of Continuing Studies, and Divinity School of Chung Chi College, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • Registered Social Worker, Social Workers Registration Board, Hong Kong
  • Registered Social Worker, Board of Registration for Social Workers of the Province of British Columbia, Canada
Areas of Interest
  • Life-Career Development and Counselling; Life Designing and Adlerian Approach; Self-Understanding and Development; Youth culture, Performing Arts and Youth work 
Courses Taught
  • SW 131-2 Self-understanding and Self-development I and II 
  • SW 110 Social Welfare and Social Services in Hong Kong
  • SW 251 Social Work Research 1 (Qualitative Research)
  • SW 180 Pre-Placement Exposure (PPE) I
  • SW 280 Pre-Placement Exposure (PPE) II
  • PSY 120 Lifespan Developmental Psychology
  • SW 441-2 Honours Project Consultation

Selected Publications

(1) Peer-reviewed journal article 
  1. Yip, T. C. Y., Chan, K., and Poon, E., (2012) “Attributes of favorite retail shops among young consumers”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(7): 545-552.(in English) [This journal is ranked by: Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Quality List - B ranking; 2012 RG Journal impact:1.23]; No. of cited: 62 (Google Scholar)
  2. Chan, K., Leung, V., Tsang, L. & Yip, T. C. Y., (2012) “Attitudes toward advertising lawyers among Hong Kong consumers”, Asian Journal of Business Research, Vol.2, No.2 (in English) 16 Pages.
  3. Yip, T. C. Y., (2010) “Click, observe, and listen to the calls, links, and interactions of the Gen-i in the digital forest: Taking the narrative analysis of the film Avatar as a scaffolding of reflection” Journal of Youth Studies [青年研究學報 --“Click 看 聽 i 世 代 在 數 碼 森 林 中 的 呼 喚 、 連 結 與 互 動 : 以 電 影 《阿 凡 達》 的 敘 事 分 析 搭 建 反 思 的 鷹 架”], Vol.13, No.2, Pp.43-53 (Serial No. 26, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups). (This publication is in Chinese)
  4. Lau, P.W.C., and Yip, T. C. Y., (2006) “Childhood Obesity in Hong Kong: A developmental perspective and review, 1986-2005. Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, Vol. 4 No. 2, Pp. 67-84. (in English); No. of cited: 13 (Google Scholar)
(2) Book chapter
  1. 葉智仁 (In Press, Winter 2024)。〈活出混沌與不確定中的生涯勇氣: 阿德勒學派的啟迪〉載於周德慧、崔日雄、趙雨龍(編)《復元與生涯發展》。香港樹仁大學。
  2. 葉智仁 (2024) 。〈導言 : 沒事幹? 在悠遊時光中,玩出好生活〉載於葉智仁 、林國強 編《玩出勇氣:堅趣、輕趣兼備的生涯發展服務手法》(頁12-21)。香港青少年服務處。
  3. 葉智仁 (2024) 。〈「我的志願」是什麼?〉載於葉智仁 、林國強 編《玩出勇氣:堅趣、輕趣兼備的生涯發展服務手法》(頁24-41)。香港青少年服務處。
  4. 葉智仁 (2024) 。〈「遊戲和工作的連結〉載於葉智仁 、林國強 編《玩出勇氣:堅趣、輕趣兼備的生涯發展服務手法》(頁44-57)。香港青少年服務處。
  5. 葉智仁、林國強 (2024) 。〈活得有意義的人生選擇與行動〉載於葉智仁 、林國強 編《玩出勇氣:堅趣、輕趣兼備的生涯發展服務手法》(頁240-253)。香港青少年服務處。
  6. 葉智仁 (2024) 。後記:〈 我們是「大圓」上的一段小弧線〉載於葉智仁 、林國強 編《玩出勇氣:堅趣、輕趣兼備的生涯發展服務手法》(頁258-260)。香港青少年服務處。
  7. Yip, T. C. Y., (2023) “The Courage to be a Spiritual Leader in the Age of the ‘New Normal’: Alfred Adler Reconsidered”, In Simon S. M. Kwan & W. Y. Chow (eds.). Asian Spiritualities and Social Transformation. Springer, Singapore.
  8. Wong .V., Pouyaud J, Su, X. Yip, T. C. Y., (2021) Chapitre 16. Travail décent et notion étendue du travail (ENOW), faire face aux challenges de l’orientation et du conseil au XXIe siècle : l’exemple du projet CLAP dans la communauté des jeunes NEETs de Hong Kong. Dans Psychologie de l'orientation tout au long de la vie. (pp. 305-321). Dunod. (Chapter 16: Decent work and extended concept of work (ENOW), facing the challenges of guidance and counseling in the 21st century: the example of the CLAP project in the community of young NEETs in Hong Kong. Language: French)
  9. Wong, V. & Yip, T. C. Y., (2020) “Social workers’ strategies for supporting career transition for disadvantaged girls with SEN: A Hong Kong case study of class in digital drawing”, In Mantak Yuen, Wendi Beamish, & V. Scott Solberg (eds.). Careers for Students with Special Educational Needs:  Perspectives on Development and Transitions from the Asia-Pacific Region. New York & Singapore: Springer Education & Language. (Both authors are considered joint first authors of this book chapter)
  10. Wong, V. & Yip, T. C. Y., (2019) “Promoting change: The ‘expanded notion of work’ as a proactive response to the social justice issues in career development practice”, In T. Hooley, R. Sultana, and R. Thomsen, (eds). Career Guidance for Emancipation: Reclaiming Justice for the Multitude. London: Routledge.
  11. Yip, T. C. Y., (2005) “The Money World of the Post-Capitalist Era and its Related Issues in Social Ethics”, In Xiaohe Lu & Daryl Koehn (eds.) Business Ethics, Corporate Governance and a Harmonious Society. Shanghai: Shanghai Academy of Social Science. (This publication is in Chinese)
  12. Yip, T. C. Y., and Lo, W.T., (1996) “Popular Culture: Its impact on young people in Guangdong, In Lo, T.W. & Cheng, J. (eds.) Social Welfare Development in China: Constraints and Challenges. Chicago: Imprint Publications.
  13. 葉智仁 (2006) 。〈後資本時代的金錢世界與相應的社會倫理問題〉, 張國棟編《經濟商業生活與基督教倫理》。香港: 學生福音團契出版社。
  14. 葉智仁 (2006) 。 〈全球消費主義與倫理營銷—談追求利潤創作自由和培育新一代成長之間的張力〉, 張國棟編《經濟商業生活與基督教倫理》。香港: 學生福音團契出版社。
  15. 張國棟、葉智仁 (2002) 。〈瞻前顧後: 察看「後工業」與「後現化」 文化思潮的足印〉 , 關啟文、張國棟編《後現化文化與基督教》。 香港: 學生福音團契出版社。
  16. 葉智仁 (1993) 。〈新人類與後現化影像消費〉, 史文鴻、吳俊雄 編《香港普及文化研究》。香港: 三聯書店。
  17. 葉智仁 (1993) 。〈媒體文化的閱聽人研究路徑〉, 史文鴻、吳俊雄 編《香港普及文化研究》。香港: 三聯書店。
(3) Edited Book
  1. 葉智仁 、林國強 編 (In Press, Winter 2024)。《玩出勇氣:堅趣、輕趣兼備的生涯發展服務手法》。香港青少年服務處。(4 colors, 280 pages) ISBN: 978-988-77950-1-8
  2. 葉智仁 (2006) 編。《歡號: 愛與夢航行》(Dream On! With Love, Huan) 。 香港:乘風航有很公司。(Bilingual, 4 colors, 136 pages, with a DVD)
(4) Working paper
  1. 葉智仁 (2006) 〈全球消費主義與倫理營銷:耶、儒思想的初步回應 〉,林思齊東西學術交流研究所, 研究報告系列, “Global Consumerism and ethical marketing: Initial responses from Christianity & Confucianism”, LEWI  Working Paper Series, NO. 65, David C Lam Institute for East-West Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University. (in Chinese)
Conferences Presentation and Papers Delivered
  1. The 2022 Meaning in Life International Conference, co-organized by Hong Kong Shue Yan University, and Gratia Christian College, June 22-25, 2022. Delivered 2 presentations: a. “Towards personal recovery and meaningful life: Intervention insights from a study on the traumatic experience of Chinese people with schizophrenia” (Oral presentation, co-presenters: Josephine Fung, Toby C. Y. Yip, Kaiser Lo); b. “Wherever there is shadow, there is also light”: Towards an Adlerian approach of making life more meaningful through trauma” (Oral presentation: sole author)
  2. The 12th Pan-Pacific Conference on Rehabilitation (PPCR), organized by the Dept. of Rehabilitation Sciences of The HK Polytechnic University, Nov 27, 2021. “Advancing team work to trans-professional collaboration in rehabilitation homecare service: The local strategies for good practice in Hong Kong” (Poster presentation, co-presenters: Kaiser Lo, Toby C. Y. Yip, Josephine Fung)
  3. The 2021 International Symposium and Expo on Service-Learning & Socially Responsible Global Citizenship, organized by Service-Learning and Leadership Office (SLLO), Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 9-10 July 2021. Zooming with, about, and for Community: A conceptual paper on Service-Learning pedagogy in Social Work Courses adapting to the New Normal. (Zoom: Poster Presentation)
  4. The 2021 International Conference on Spiritual Leadership & Social Transformation, organized by Dept. of Cultural and Religious Studies, & Asia Academy of Practical Theology, and Divinity of School of Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong May 22, 2021. “The courage to be a spiritual leader in the age of new normal: Alfred Adler reconsidered”. (Zoom: oral presentation)
  5. The 2019 Asia Pacific Career Development Association conference, entitled Navigating Career Development in the Age of Industry 4.0 at RMIT University, Vietnam, May 21-25, 2019. Delivered 4 papers: - a. The ‘Expanded Notion of Work’ for navigating career development services for NEET youth in Hong Kong (Oral presentation, co-presenter Kent Lam, P.L. Lim) b. Adaptation of the Career Construction Counselling Approach for NEET Youth in Hong Kong (Oral presentation, co-presenter, Victor Wong) c. ‘Youth theatre’ as a career development intervention practice for NEETs in Hong Kong (Oral presentation, co-presenter, Michelle Go) d. Supporting Underprivileged Girls with SEN in Career Transitions by Digital Drawing (Oral presentation, co-presenter, Mel Kwan)
  6. The 2018 International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG) conference, Career Guidance for Social Justice: Contesting Neoliberalism at Gothenburg, Sweden, 2-4 October 2018. Delivered 2 papers: - a. Promoting change: The ‘expanded notion of work’ as a proactive response to the social justice issues in career development practice (Oral presentation, co-presenter, Victor Wong) b. Enabling Environment and Career Development for Disadvantaged Youth: A glimpse into the local-level practice and research in Hong Kong (Oral presentation, co-presenter, Victor Wong)
  7. The 4th International Conference on Practice Research: Recognizing Diversity, Developing Collaboration, Building Network, 22-24 May 2017, held at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Delivered 2 papers: - a. Capturing Collaborative Practice-Based knowledge for Working with NEETs in Pursuing Leisure Career Interests (Oral presentation, co-presenter, Victor Wong) b. The Psychosocial Barriers to Help-seeking for Addiction Problem: Views of Male Service Users and Social Workers” (Oral presentation, co-presenter, Simon Chan)
  8. The 1st Annual CLAP Conference, in Hong Kong, held at Hong Kong Baptist University, 23 -24 June 2016. Delivered 2 papers: - a. Expanding the notion of work in career and life planning practices: Challenges and new horizons ahead (Oral presentation, co-presenter, Victor Wong). b. Making more sense of serious leisure and Casual leisure for Work-Life Mix (Oral presentation, co-presenter, Victor Wong)
  9. The 65th International Communication Association (ICA) Annual Conference, Communication Across the Life Span, in San Juan, Puerto Rico 21-25 May 2015. - Being a Hongkonger and not a Chinese: A qualitative study of ethnic minority members of South-Asian descent in Hong Kong (Oral presentation, co-presenter, Ling Chen)
  10. The 19th International Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS), Exploring diversity to reach understanding across cultures, October 3-5, 2013 at Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia. - ‘Dim Sum’ meets Marketing Narratives: Chinese Micro-movie Commercials as Bite-sized Branded Entertainment (Oral presentation)
  11. The Asian Congress for Media and Communication, 2012 International Conference, Chulalongkron University, Bangkok, Thailand. - The socio-cultural discourse of ‘Bring Happiness Home’: A qualitative analysis of the Pepsi cola’s first co-branding Chinese mini-movie commercial (Oral presentation)
Professional Magazine Articles (Selected, Recent):
Youth Work
  1. 葉智仁 (2021)〈正向探索「新常態」的生涯勇氣〉, 載於《心源》第13期 ,頁3-5。香港: 明愛樂晴軒
  2. 黃昌榮、鍾明倫、葉智仁 (2016). 〈讓青年手持生涯成長「房角石大門的六把鑰匙〉, 載於《生涯電子報--生涯專論》 (台灣生涯發展與諮詢學會), 20169 月號, 5-7
Performing Arts
  1. 葉智仁 (2024)。〈街舞劇場《THE BOX 5.0》的亍圭彳〉, 載於《舞蹈手扎》26-3 (網上版) (dance journal/hk), Vol. 26, Issue 3.
  2. 葉智仁 (2024)。〈飄「緒」三弄:你爭我競 // 你屬我吧!/ (我)接納我?〉, 載於《舞蹈手扎》26-2 (網上版) (dance journal/hk), Vol. 26, Issue 2.
  3. 葉智仁 (2023)。〈光‧映‧物‧動‧聲‧移——以身心扣連斷續的思緒列車〉, 載於《舞蹈手扎》25-4 (網上版) (dance journal/hk), Vol. 25, Issue 4.
  4. 葉智仁 (2023)。〈愛跳,便跳!齊齊跳進米田共樂的親子歷程〉, 載於《舞蹈手扎》25-3 (網上版) (dance journal/hk), Vol. 25, Issue 3
  5. 葉智仁 (2022). 〈延續的歡笑 「躂」著火之後的考驗-- 《踢親你男友》觀後感 〉, 載於《舞蹈手扎》(dance journal/hk), 2022, Vol. 24, No.3,頁42。
  6. 葉智仁 (2021). 〈讓苦澀的當代舞劇《甩隙咔》甘脆〉, 載於《舞蹈手扎》(dance journal/hk), 2021, 10/11 號,頁35。
  7. 葉智仁 (2021). 〈疫來不順受? 踢咇躂,踏出舞者追夢的「了、得」〉, 載於《舞蹈手扎》(dance journal/hk),  2021, 6/7 號,頁51。
  8. 葉智仁 (2019). 〈SDZ LAB 2019: 編織舞台上的Urban Dance〉, 載於《舞蹈手扎》(dance journal/hk),  2019 10/11月號。
  9. 葉智仁 (2018). 〈躲在回憶背後的創傷與創意: 迂迴曲〉, 載於《劇誌》 (Repazine 21) , 2018年3月號,頁28-29
  10. 葉智仁 (2018). 〈轉角處遇上選擇,還是笑完就算?〉, 載於《三角志》, 2017年6月號。
Research Grants
  1. 2023: Domain Coordinator (Intrapersonal & Interpersonal Harmony): Developing a National and Values Education Online Learning Platform (T01/QESS/2022, $6,259,278) (Project Period: 2023-2025)
  2. 2019: Co-I : An Evidence-based Study: Child-focused In-law Relationship Enhancement in Multi-generational Families. (Lee Kum Kee Family Foundation, $788,413) (Project Period: 2019-2022)
  1. 2018: Project scholarship of “Critics in Action: Self-exploring Scheme for the Theatre Critics Award",  International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong)
Speaker/Trainer in Seminars and Workshops
  1. 2024: Speaker, Professional Workers Training Workshop for Hong Kong Children and Youth Services, on the topic “The Application of Adlerian Psychology in Career Development and Mental Health”
  2. 2023: Speaker, Professional Workers Training Workshop for Open Up (Jockey Club Online Youth Emotional Support), on the topic “Writing Career Story Through Pictures”
  3. 2022: Speaker, Professional Workers Training Workshop for Open Up (Jockey Club Online Youth Emotional Support), on the topic “Lost in Your Careers? Life-Career Exploration and Development for Working Youth”
  4. 2021: Speaker and Trainer, Life-Career Development Seminars cum Staff Training Workshops for CLAP@JC (2.0), focusing on Career Construction Theory & Practice Skills
  5. 2021: Staff Training Workshop Speaker for The Hong Kong Family Welfare Society’s Learning & Practice Group (PLP), on the topic “Middle-men’s Challenges & Growth in Multigenerational Families"
  6. 2019: Summary School Guest Speaker, as a co-presenter of a teaching session on “Expanded Notion of Work” (via PowerPoint video) for the 6th ECADOC Summer School, 9-14 June 2019, Malta. This European Doctoral Programme in Career Guidance and Counselling (ECADOC) aims to train future academic and practitioner leaders in the field of career guidance and counselling
  7. 2016-2019: Speaker & Trainer, Professional Development Courses (Level 1 to Level 3), CLAP@JC (1.0)
Anonymous/ Peer Reviewer for Academic Conferences and Journals
  1. 2024: 1 manuscript review for Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy
  2. 2007: 2 competition papers for the European Conference of the Association for Consumer Research
  3. 2006: 3 papers for the North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research
  4. 2005: 3 papers for The Markam Paper Competition, Doctoral Student Section, International Communication Division, AEJMC
  5. 2004-2005: 2 journal articles for Theory, Culture and Society
  6. 2001: 2 conference papers for National Communication Association
Volunteer for NGOs
  1. Board Member, Board of Directors of Adventure Ship 乘風航 (1993-97; 2000-07)