Sharing on Diversified Social Welfare Services in Hong Kong for Year Two Students (October 24, 2020)

To facilitate a thorough comprehension in the contemporary development of Hong Kong social service, we are grateful to organize the ‘Sharing on Diversified Social Welfare Services in Hong Kong” to year.2 students as a pre-placement exposure activity, which was held on 24th October, 2020.

Annual Departmental Seminar (Webinar): Advocacy in Social Work Education – the Past, Present and Future. (October 23, 2020)

The live webinar on Oct 23 morning, titled “Advocacy in Social Work Education: the Past, Present and Future” was organized by the Department of Social Work at Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU) as their annual seminar. This online event offered a good opportunity for HKSYU faculty, students and invited general public to join Prof. Cecilia Chan, Prof. Simon Shen, Prof. Ching Man Lam and Mr. Francis Ngai to discuss the meanings, significance and development of advocacy, now and then.

Self-understanding Workshop for Year One Students (October 10, 2020)

With full of excitement and anticipation, year.1 students stepped forward to get deeper exploration in “self” by participating the Self-understanding workshop launched on 10th October, 2020. Getting know to oneself is a significant milestone before entering the social work profession. The ultimate objective of the workshop is patently to enhance students’ self-understanding of their personal strengths and how they can mostly contribute in the team.