Dr. Wallace TSANG Wai-hung 曾偉洪博士

Assistant Professor
Academic and Professional Qualifications
  • Master of Art in Diakonia, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Hong Kong
  • Doctor of Social Work, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
  • Postgraduate Certificate of Psychology, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • Master of Social Science (Social Work), The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • Master of Social Work, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • Bachelor of Science (Hons), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
  • Registered Social Worker, Social Workers Registration Board
  • Associate Fellow, The Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association
  • Accredited Family Mediator, Hong Kong Mediation and Arbitration Centre
Areas of Interest
  • Domestic violence; Marital relationship; Parent-child relationship; Mental health and well-being; Social impact and social capital assessment; Gender; Men’s psychology; Social work education 
Courses Taught
  • SW 441-442  Honours Project
  • SW 471-472  Placement
  • SW 310 Working with At Risk and Hidden Youth
  • SW 400 Programme Evaluation
  1. Camus, R. M., Lam, L., Cheung, J. C., Tsang, W. H. W., & Wong, K. C. (2024). Integrating virtual teaching and learning with service-learning: A Hong Kong Baptist University experience. In S. Valarmathi, J. Kareem, V. Tantia, K. Babu, & P. Lucas (Eds.), Enhancing curricula with service learning models (pp. 242-262). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/979-8-3693-5933-4.ch012
  2. Tsang, W. H. W., Cheung, C. S. J., Yu, K. Y. P., & Yuen, D. M., (2024). A Home-Based Free Play Journey of Parents and Children in Hong Kong: A Narrative Inquiry Approach. J Soci Work Welf Policy, 2(1): 109. https://doi.org/10.33790/jswwp1100109
  3. Cheung, C. S. J., Tsang, W. H. W., Yu, P. K. Y., & Yuen, D. M. (2024). Promoting free play in families using the kindergarten PLAYBAG Intervention in Hong Kong: An exploratory study. Families in Society, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/10443894231203416
  4. Tsang, W. H. W., Chan, T. M. S., Shen, C. T. A., & Chen, J.-S. (2023). Chinese male survivors of intimate partner violence: Living in and transforming stigma. Journal of Social Work Practice, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1080/02650533.2023.2234630
  5. Tsang, W. H. W., Mo, Y. H., Cheung, C. S. J., & Wong, Y. W. (2022). Social workers’ acceptance of information and communication technology (ICT) in practice during COVID-19: Search for embracing ethical considerations in Hong Kong. Journal of Social Service Research, https://doi.org/10.1080/01488376.2022.2100562
  6. Tsang, W. H. W., Chan, T. M. S., & Cheung, M. (2021). Chinese male survivors of intimate partner violence: A three-pillar approach to analyze men’s delayed help-seeking decisions. Violence & Victims, 36(1), 92-109. https://doi.org/10.1891/VV-D-19-00129
  7. Mo, K., Tsang, W., Wong, E., Sing, L., & Cheung, J. (2021). Golden opportunities for resolving students’ emotional disturbance in learning social work values: A 3Ps approach in fieldwork practicum. International Social Work, 2087282098591. https://doi.org/10.1177/0020872820985914
  8. Tsang, W. H. W., & Cheung. C. S. J. (2021). Intervention research on children's free play: Parents' perspective. Research report submitted to Playright Children’s Play Association
  9. Chan, T. M., & Tsang, W. H. W. (2018). Disclosure of victimization experiences of Chinese male survivors of intimate partner abuse. Qualitative Social Work, 17(6):744-761. https://doi.org/10.1177/1473325017694080
  10. Tsang, W. H. W. (2016). An exploratory study of help-seeking behavior of Chinese mane victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) in Hong Kong.  Doctor of Social Work Thesis.  Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  11. Tsang, W. H. W. (2015). Do male victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) deserve help? Some reflections based on a systematic review. The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, 49(1/2), 51–63. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219246215000066
  12. Tsang, W. H. W. (2013). Positive fatherhood of male abusers of intimate partner violence (IPV). New paradigms in evidence-based social work research and practice. The Institute Social Malaysia, Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development
  13. 曾偉洪 (2013)。我想做個好爸爸 - 重建男性婚姻施虐者與下一代之關係。載於陳德茂(主編),靜靜起義──男士工作新思潮。香港,圓桌文化。
  14. Tsang, W. H. W. (2011). Caring Dad Group: Psycho-educational Group Leader Manual. Hong Kong: Harmony House.
  15. Tsang, W. H. W. (2008). Male Batterers Intervention Group: Psycho-educational Group Leader Manual. Hong Kong: Harmony House.
Conferences Attended and Papers Delivered
  1. TSANG, W. H. W. (2023). Ethical consideration of ICT used on social work practice in Hong Kong. Keynote Presentation at 6th Chinese Regional Medical Social Work Conference, Taiwan (17-18 November 2023)
  2. Tsang, W. H. W. (2023). Psychological trauma, shame and ambivalence in fatherhood of male survivors of intimate partner violence. Oral presentation at Men and Families Conference 2023 (12-14 October 2023)
  3. Tsang, W. H. W. (2023). Acceptance and commitment therapy in treatment of trauma for women exposed to intimate partner violence. Oral presentation at Society of Psychotherapy Research Conference. (21-24 June 2023)
  4. Tsang, W. H. W., & Wong, K. C. (2023). Conversing with the new normal: Virtual service-learning amid COVID-19. Oral presentation at Transforming through Service & Innovation: CISL 5th Anniversary Celebration Conference at Hong Kong Baptist University (6-7 June 2023)
  5. Tsang, W. H. W., & Lo, O. T. (2023). Research on design thinking & participatory design. Oral Presentation at Jockey Club Project Well-being: Placemaking in School Symposium cum workshops (14/1/2023)
  6. Tsang, W. H. W. (2022). Chinese male survivors’ account of stigma and masculinity in IPV. Oral Presentation at An International Interdisciplinary Conference on Fatherhood and Men's Experiences with Violence and Victimization (on-line) (15-16/9/2022)
  7. Tsang, W. H. W., & Wan, N. S. (2022). Spousal roles of supporting husband's fatherhood in Chinese families: An intervention perspective. Oral Presentation at An International Interdisciplinary Conference on Fatherhood and Men's Experiences with Violence and Victimization (on-line) (15-16/9/2022)
  8. Tsang, W. H. W. (2021). Stability in turbulence. Oral Presentation at Mental Health Conference, Hong Kong Doulos Ministry Center. (22 August 2021)
  9. Tsang, W. H. W. (2021). Post-traumatic stress disorder and Post-traumatic Growth of Asian Chinese in COVID-19 pandemic. Press Conference Presentation at Hong Kong Doulos Ministry Center. (15 August 2021)
  10. Tsang, W. H. W., Chan, T. M. S., & Cheung, M. (2021). Help-seeking for Chinese male survivors of intimate partner violence: An ambivalent journey. Oral Presentation at Joint World Conference on Social Work Education and Social Development, Rimini, Italy (postponed being a virtual conference, The International Social Work Education & Development online conference, March 16-18, 2021)
  11. Tsang, W. H. W., Mo, Y. H., Cheung, C. S., Hung L. S., & Wong, Y. W. (2021). Reclaiming the learning and reflection of social work values in fieldwork placement: Social work students’ Account. Oral Presentation at Joint World Conference on Social Work Education and Social Development, Rimini, Italy (postponed being a virtual conference, The International Social Work Education & Development online conference, March 16-18, 2021).
  12. Tsang, W. H. W. (2020). Family resilience in social turbulence. Oral Presentation at Mental Health Conference, Hong Kong Doulos Ministry Center. (8 August 2020)
  13. Tsang, W. H. W. (2020). Post-traumatic stress disorder and post-traumatic growth in turbulence. Press Conference Presentation at Hong Kong Doulos Ministry Center. (26 July 2020)
  14. Tsang, W. H. W., Mo, Y. H., Cheung, C. S., Hung L. S., & Wong, Y. W. (2020). Reclaiming the learning and reflection of social work values in fieldwork placement: Social work students. Oral Presentation at IFSW Conference Social Work Global Agenda – Co-building Social Transformation (on-line) (15-19 July 2020).
  15. Tsang, W. H. W., Mo, Y. H., Cheung, C. S., Hung L. S., & Wong, Y. W. (2020). Reclaiming the learning and reflection of social work values in fieldwork. Oral Presentation at International Conference on Discovery and Innovation in Social Work and Fieldwork Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (19 June 2020)
  16. Tsang, W. H. W. (2020). Managing social work fieldwork education in turbulence of anti-extradition bill social movement: Account from social work educators. Oral Presentation at International Conference on Discovery and Innovation in Social Work and Fieldwork Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (19 June 2020)
  17. Tsang, W. H. W. (2020). Basic counselling skills. Invited Trainer at Hong Kong Doulos Ministry Center. (18 April, 16 May, 20 June 2020)
  18. Tsang, W. H. W. (2019). Re-building family harmony. Oral Presentation at Mental Health Conference, Hong Kong Doulos Ministry Center. (13 July 2019)
  19. Tsang, W. H. W. (2019). Mental health in Hong Kong. Press Conference Presentation at Hong Kong Doulos Ministry Center. (13 July 2019)
  20. Tsang, W. H. W., Chan, T. M. S., & Cheung, M. (2019). A three-pillar approach to analyze delayed help-seeking decisions of Chinese male survivors of partner violence: Ethical Implications to Human Service. Oral Presentation at Caritas 15th Anniversary International Conference - Ethical Consideration of Human Services, Hong Kong. (13-14 June 2019)
  21. Tsang, W. H. W. (2019). A dialogue of researcher and writer – Men in violence. Oral Presentation at Taipei International Book Exhibition, Taiwan. (12-14 Feb 2019)
  22. Tsang, W. H. W. (2018). A model of helping male victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) - Threshold Model of Help-Seeking Behaviour. Oral Presentation at Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2018 organized by IASSW, ICSW and IFSW at Dublin, Ireland. (4-7 July 2018)
  23. Tsang, W. H. W. (2018). Can I be a good father? - Rebuilding positive fatherhood of the Chinese male abusers of intimate partner violence. Oral Presentation at Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2018 organized by IASSW, ICSW and IFSW at Dublin, Ireland. (4-7 July 2018)
  24. Tsang, W. H. W., & Chan, T. M. (2018). Engaging male survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) in disclosing victimization. Oral Presentation at Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2018 organized by IASSW, ICSW and IFSW at Dublin, Ireland. (4-7 July 2018)
  25. Tsang, W. H. W. (2018). Voices of battered women on child visitation service. Keynote Presentation at 2018 Indigenous Women’s Wellbeing Conference, Cairns, Australia (13-15 June 2018)
  26. Tsang, W. H. W. (2018). Threshold model of help-seeking behaviour of Chinese male victims of intimate partner violence. Oral Presentation at 2018 Indigenous Men’s Wellbeing Conference, Cairns, Australia. (13-15 June 2018)
  27. Tsang, W. H. W., & Chan, T. M. (2018). Gender differences in decision of seeking help of Chinese survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV). Oral Presentation at 16th International Symposium of the World Society of Victimology 2018, The City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (10-12 June 2018)
  28. Tsang, W. H. W. (2017). A practice model of helping Chinese male victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) in Hong Kong- Threshold Model of Help-Seeking Behaviour. Oral Presentation at 4th International Conference on Practice Research, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. (22-24 May 2017)
  29. Chan, T. M., & Tsang, W. H. W. (2016). Disclosure of victimization experience of Chinese male survivors of intimate partner abuse. Oral Presentation at Asia Mental Health Conference 2016, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong. (2-3 December 2016)
  30. Tsang, W. H. W. (2016). A new model of helping male victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) – Threshold Model of Help-Seeking Behaviour. Oral Presentation at 5th CIFA Regional Symposium 2016, Consortium of Institutes on Family in the Asian Region & Korean Association of Family Relations (KAFR), Korea. (3-6 November 2016)
  31. Tsang, W. H. W. (2016). Counselling for domestic violence victims and abuses. Keynote Presentation at Domestic Violence Conference, All-China Women’s Federation, Guangzhou. (10-12; 17-19 August 2016)
  32. Tsang, W. H. W. (2015). Training Workshop on Working with Male Service Users
    Trainer. Invited Trainer by Social Welfare Department, Hong Kong. (10, 19 December 2015, 9 January 2016)
  33. Tsang, W. H. W. (2015). Counseling for Men Workshop. Invited Trainer by Hong Kong Men Association. (17 October 2015)
  34. Tsang, W. H. W. (2014). Help-seeking behavior of Chinese male victims of intimate partner violence (IPV). Keynote Presentation at 2014 World Indigenous Domestic Violence Conference, Cairns, Australia. (8-10 December 2014
  35. Tsang, W. H. W. (2014). New initiative in tackling violence against women: Rebuilding positive fatherhood of the male abusers of intimate partner violence (IPV) in HK. Oral Presentation at 4th International Postgraduate Conference- Development: What Now? (9-11 November 2014)
  36. Tsang, W. H. W. (2014). Coping behavior of Chinese male victims of intimate partner violence (IPV). Oral Presentation at International Conference on Social Work, Social Welfare and Social Policy in Chinese Societies: Cross Cultural Experiences, Hong Kong. (28-30 May 2014)
  37. Tsang, W. H. W. (2014). Harmony Express: Psycho-educational group for children witnessing or experiencing domestic violence. Oral Presentation at 17th National School Social Work Conference, Chicago, US. (19-22 March 2014)
  38. Tsang, W. H. W. (2012). Can I be a good father? - Rebuilding positive fatherhood of the male abusers of intimate partner violence. Oral Presentation at International Social Work Conference (2012): Crafting Symbiotic Partnership and Collaboration in the Asia-Pacific Region, Penang, Malaysia. (28-30 November 2012)
  39. Tsang, W. H. W. (2012). “Caring Dad Service” – Group treatment approach of fathering for male abusers of intimate partner violence in Hong Kong. Oral Presentation at Seminar on Positive Fatherhood for Male Batterers of Intimate Partner Violence Cum Launching of “Caring Dad Manual”, Hong Kong. (23 March 2012)
  40. Tsang, W. H. W. (2011). “Caring Dad Service” - Positive fathering service for male spousal abusers. Oral Presentation at Conference on Youth Counseling (兩岸四地學生輔導研討會- 蛻變中的你我他, Macau. (20-22 February 2011)
  41. Tsang, W. H. W. (2010). A Partnership with Comprehensive Child Development Service (Kowloon East cluster) in combating domestic violence. Oral Presentation at HKEC Symposium on Community Engagement V Family- The Key to a Healthy Community", Hong Kong. (15 May 2010)
  42. Tsang, W. H. W. (2010). Group treatment approach of fathering for male perpetrators in Hong Kong: Implication of work in breaking the cycle of intergenerational violence. Oral Presentation at 2010 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development: The Agenda, Hong Kong. (10-14 June 2010)
  43. Tsang, W. H. W. (2008). Crisis intervention of domestic violence. Oral Presentation at Symposium on “Families in Asia: Challenge and Opportunities”, Hong Kong. (24-26 January 2008)
Research Grants 
  1. 2024: PI: Breaking Transgenerational Trauma - Support Programme for Parents on Verge of Divorce/ Planning for Separation or Divorce and their Children (Funded by Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, HK1,000,000) (Project Period: 01/07/2024-30/06/2027)
  2. 2024: PI: Jockey Club Playright Playful Community League Project (Funded by Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust via Playright Children's Play Association, HK$600,000) (Project Period: 01/04/2024-31/03/2027)
  3. 2023: PI: My Choice, Divorce in a Rational Way (Home and Youth Affairs Bureau and Family Council, HK$250,000) (Project Period: 11/2023-12/2024)
  4. 2022: Co-I: Research on the Effectiveness of Nonviolent Communication in Enhancing Family Relationship (Harmony House Limited, $400,000) (Project Period: 15/2/2022 – 14/2/2024)
  5. 2022: Co-I: The Science of Design Thinking: Theories and Applications (UGC/FDS24/H04/22, $488,519) (Project Period: 1/2023 – 6/2024)
  6. 2022: PI: Social Impact Assessment of Children’s Playroom at Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park Sports Centre (Playright Funded by Home Affairs Department, $100,000) (Project Period: Starting date to be confirmed due to pandemic)
  7. 2021: PI: Intervention Research of CO-MUST – Mother’s Involvement in Enhancing Fathers’ Co-parenting in Chinese Families (POLYU CPCE Research Fund, $38,588) (Project Period: 10/2021 – 9/2022)
  8. 2021: PI: Practice Research of on Free-play Intervention for Kindergarten Children (Playright Funded by Hong Kong Jockey Cub, $100,000) (Project Period: 2/2021-9/2021)
  9. 2021: PI: Teaching and Learning Groupwork Concepts and Skills with Simulated Scenarios (POLYU CPCE Pedagogical Innovation Fund, $39,820) (Project Period: 2/2021 – 9/2022)
  10. 2016: PI: Comparative Study of Help Seeking Behavior of Chinese Male Victims of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in Hong Kong and Tai Wan (POLYU CPCE Research Fund, $39,600) (Project Period: 2/2016 – 1/2020)
  1. 2022: Active Scholar Award, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, College of Professional and Continuing Education
Editorial Board
  1. Editorial Board member - Journal of Social Work and Welfare Policy (2023 - Present)
  2. Editorial Board Member, Social Sciences (2022 – Present)
  3. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work (2020 – Present)
  4. Editorial Board Member, Research of Social Work Practice (2020 – Present)
  5. Editorial Board Member, Social Sciences and Humanities Open (2020 – Present)
  1. Service Development and Management Committee Member, Harmony House Limited (2023- Present)
  2. Visiting Scholar, Lutheran Theological Seminary (2021- Present)
  3. Executive Committee Member, The Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Social Service (2018 - Present)
  4. Consultant, Companion LeShalom Centre, Lutheran Theological Seminary (2018 - Present)
  5. Consultant & Trainer, Hong Kong Doulos Ministry Center (2018 - Present)
  6. Co-founder, Hong Kong Men's Association (2015 - Present)