Dr. Michael LAI Ka-wai 黎家偉博士

Assistant Professor
Academic and Professional Qualifications
  • Ph.D., The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
  • Master of Arts in Social Policy and Social Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Social Policy and Administration, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Areas of Interest
  • Social Development, Social Innovation, Community-based sustainable action, Social Impact Assessment, Programme Planning and Evaluation
Courses Taught
  • SW131 Self Understanding and Self Development
  • SW300 Social Policy and Planning
  • SW441-2 Honours Project I and II
  • SW100 Fundamentals in Social Policy and Advocacy
  1. 黎家偉 (2024)。˂社會發展與社會工作˃。載於周永新與陳沃聰(主編),《社會工作學新論》(增訂版),頁302-314。香港商務印書館
  2. Lai, M.K.W., & Ho, A. P. Y. (2022). Sharing towards cohesive community: the role of social capital in sharing economy. Social Transformations in Chinese Societies, 18(2), 105-121 https://doi.org/10.1108/STICS-05-2020-0015
  3. Lai, M.K.W., Leung, K.Y., & Leung, C.T.L. (2021). Financing the Welfare State System in Macao, in C. Aspalter (ed.) Financing Welfare Systems in Asia, Routledge (P. 198-216)
  4. Teixeira, V., & Lai, M.K.W (2021). The use of Robotics in the intervention with children with ASD in Macao: A pilot study with Milo. Revista Portuguesa de Investigação Educacional, 21, 1-26. https://doi.org/10.34632/investigacaoeducacional.2021.10041
  5. Lai, M.K.W., & Ho, A. P. Y. (2020). Unravelling potentials and limitations of sharing economy in reducing unnecessary consumption: A social science perspective. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 153, 104546. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.104546 [Impact Factor: Q1 and Ranked 15th out of 251 in the Environmental Sciences in Journal Citation Reports 2018
  6. Lai, M.K.W. (2019). [Review of the book Social Investment and Social Welfare: International and Critical Perspectives, edited by Midgley, J., Dahl, E., & Wright, A.]. China Journal of Social Work. 12(2), 185-187. https://doi.org/10.1080/17525098.2019.1660064
  7. Leung, Z. C. S., Ho, A. P. Y., Tjia, L. Y. N., Tam, R. K. Y., Chan, K. T., & Lai, M. K. W. (2019). Social Impacts of Work Integration Social Enterprise in Hong Kong – Workfare and Beyond. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 10(2), 159-176. https://doi.org/10.1080/19420676.2018.1541007
  8. 陳錦棠、黎家偉 (2016):社會企業的跨界治理 – 香港社會企業與營利部門之互動合作關係,輯於官有垣、陳錦棠、王仕圖編《社會企業的治理:臺灣與香港的比較》,(頁155-172),臺灣,巨流圖書公司。
  9. 陳錦棠、黎家偉 (2016):香港社會企業的治理與社會影響,輯於官有垣、陳錦棠、王仕圖編《社會企業的治理:臺灣與香港的比較》,(頁195-212),臺灣,巨流圖書公司
  10. 陳錦棠、黎家偉 (2013),〈香港社會企業的社會影響初探〉,《社區發展季刊》,第143期,頁151-160
Conferences Attended and Papers Delivered
  1. Lai, M.K.W. (2021). Digital technology and social relationship under social transformation, oral presentation at The 4th Indigenous Social Science Conference & The 5th Indigenous Counseling Psychology Conference, 1-3 October, 2021, Chinese Indigenous Social Science Association, Taipei 
  2. Lai, M.K.W. (2019). Unravelling sharing economy: Experiences from Hong Kong, oral presentation at 6th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy, 28-29 June, 2019, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands 
  3. Lai, M.K.W. (2019). Collective action towards social transformation through sharing commons: case study of a sharing economy project in Hong Kong, oral presentation at 7th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise – “Sustainable development through social enterprise, co-operative and voluntary action”, 24-27 June, 2019, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom 
  4. Ho, P.Y., & Lai, M.K.W. (2018). Sharing Economy in Hong Kong: an innovative strategy towards social transformation?, oral presentation at 5th International Conference on Social Enterprise in Asia – “Social enterprise and social economy in Asia: Inclusive local community and global civil society”, 21-23 September, 2018, Ritsumeikan University, Ibaraki, Osaka, Japan
  5. Lai, M.K.W. (2016). Constructed social enterprise policy in Hong Kong: role of policy / social entrepreneurs, oral presentation at 6th International Postgraduate Conference – “Finding Futures in Uncertainties”, 22-24 September, 2016, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong 
  6. Ho, P.Y., & Lai, M.K.W. (2014). Measuring Social Impact of Social Enterprises: Is SROI a promising approach in Hong Kong?, paper presented at 3rd International Conference on Social Enterprise in Asia – “Searching for Motives, Models and Measurement”, 4-6 July, 2014, Yonsei Univesity, South Korea 
  7. Chan, K.T. & Lai, M.K.W. (2013). Development of Social Enterprise in Hong Kong: A Review of Policy Initiatives, paper presented at 4th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, 1-4 July 2013, University of Liege, Belgium 
  8. 黎家偉(2016年12月):香港社企治理與社會發展初探,胡哲生(主持人),2016第七屆社會企業學術研討會,耕莘文教院。 
  9. 陳錦棠、黎家偉(2012年10月):香港社會企業的政策議題,2012兩岸三地社會企業學術暨實務研討會,中華組織發展協會主辦,台北。 
Research Grants 
  1. 2022: Co-I: “Evaluation study for the support programme for persons with dementia and their caregivers” (funded by Institutional Development Grant, St. Francis University, HKD $248,100) (matching grant) (Project period: 2022-2025)
  2. 2022: Co-I” “Evaluation study for the support programme for persons with ementia and their caregivers” (Shih Wing Ching Foundation funding, HKD $496,200) (Project period: 2022-2025) 
  3. 2022: Co-I: “Revisiting the idea of social participation in older adults in the post-pandemic era” (funded by Institutional Development Grant, St. Francis University, HKD $ 99,700) (Ref no.: IDF220105) (Project period: 2022-2024)
  4. 2022: Co-I: “Investigating the Institutional logics of the community-based sharing economy in Hong Kong: An exploratory study” (funded by Institutional Development Grant, St. Francis University, HKD $ 93,050) (Ref no.: IDF210209) (Project Period: 2022-2023)
  5. 2022: Co-I: “An evaluation study of the Caritas Jockey Club Resource and support Centre for Carers (JCRSCC)” (funded by Services for the Elderly, Caritas Social Work Services Division, HKD 165,000) (Project Period: 2022-23)
  6. 2021: PI: “Evaluation studies on Casa de Peliseo Sam Meng Chi” (The Macau Association for Intellectual Development Services funding, MOP15,900) (Project Period: 1/2024-7/2024) 
  7. 2019: PI: “Enabling context and policy for developing social enterprise in Macao: An exploratory study (first stage)” (funded by Specialized Subsidy Scheme for Macao Higher Education Institutions in the Area of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences (and Specialized Subsidy Scheme for Prevention and Response to Major Infectious Diseases), Higher Education Bureau (Macao), MOP 3,700) (Ref no.: 53/DCCT/dses/2019) (Project Period: 10/2019-12/2019)