Dr. Steve FONG Fu-fai 方富輝博士

Head of Department and Associate Professor of Practice
Academic and Professional Qualifications
  • Doctor of Social Work (HKPU)
  • Master of Social Sciences (Mental Health) (HKU)
  • Bachelor of Social Work (HKU)
  • Registered Social Worker, Social Workers Registration Board
  • Mentalization Based Treatment (Practitioner & Advanced Level) 
  • Qualified Assessor of LS/CMI, MHS Multi-Health System
  • DBT Accreditation Leve 2, The Association for Psychological Therapies, UK

Areas of Interest
  • Carers Support, Social Service Management, Mental Health Practice, Violence and Mental Illness, Substance Abuse, Rehabilitation Service, Multidisciplinary Collaboration, Innovative Practice, Digital Social Work Practice, Sustainable Development
Courses Taught
  • SW 100 Introduction to Philosophy of Social Welfare and Social Work
  • SW 470 Social Work Practice in Mental Health
  • SW 480 Social Service Management
  • SW 509 Impact Creation and Leadership in Social Service Management
  • SW 521 Advanced Intervention in Mental Health and Wellness
Research Grants
  • 2024: Co-I: Navigating the Visual Tapestry: Unveiling Stress Coping in the Resilience Journey of Caregivers of Children with Special Educational Needs through Photovoice in Hong Kong. (UGC, $629,393) (Project Period 2024-2026)
  • 2024: Co-I: Positive side to juggling between work and care? A mixed-method investigation on work-family enrichment among Hong Kong working caregivers for adults with long-term care needs (RGC, $895,466) (Project Period 2024-2026)
  • 2024: Co-PI: The Future Development of Caregiving Policy and Practice in Hong Kong: International Perspectives and Local Initiatives (RGC, $462,400) (Project Period 1-12/2024)
  • 2023: Project Coordinator/ CO-PI: One-stop information gateway for carers (The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, $13,390,000) (Project Period 2023-2026)
  • 2023: PI: Research Study on the Effectiveness of the New Future Teen for Brain Health Programme (Hong Kong Children & Youth Services) (Project Period 2023-2024)
  • 2023: Co-PI: Mapping the grey digital divide and diversity in older ICT users post-COVID: A mixed-method research informing service and policy development (RGC, $4,388,777) (Project Period 2023-2025)
  • 2023: Co-I: Quality transition strategies facilitating the transition from teenage to adulthood for persons with intellectual disabilities and their family carers (RGC, $635,387) (2023-2025)
  • 2022: Co-PI: Evaluation and Research for Lifestyle Reactivation Project: Jockey Club Smart Homecare (Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong, $472,500) (2022-2024)
  • 2022: PI: Research Study on the Effectiveness of the Sheltered Workshop Extended Care Pilot Project (Fu Hong Society, $296,100) (2022-2025)
  • 2022: PI: Study on the Ageing of Persons in Recovery (Richmond Fellowship of Macau, $52,500) (Project Period: 2022)
  • 2021: Project coordinator/ Co-PI: Jockey Club Smart Navigation Portal for Carers of Elderly. (The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, HK$3,730,000) (Project Period: 2022-2025)
  • 2021: Co-PI: Supporting Informal Caregivers-Pioneering, Validating, Implementing and Evaluating a Chinese Caregiving Planning Model in Hong Kong (ITBG, $4,539,496) (Project Period: 2021-2024)
  • 2021: Co-PI: Preparing for the launching of Esports: An interdisciplinary and holistic perspective in prevention of teenage gaming addiction problem based on Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological model in the era of Esports (RGC, $4,260,824) (Project Period: 2021-2024)
  1. Liu, B.C.P., Fong, S.F.F., Huang, D.S., Kwok, A.P.K., Yeung, E.Y.W., Yeung, D.K.Y., Lu, T., Man, K.C., Pang, H.W.S., Chan, K.Y., Chan, E.P.C, & Wong, S.C.K. (2024). The Report of the Evaluation and Research for the Lifestyle Reactivation Project: Jockey Club Smart Homecare Solution. Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service- Hong Kong & Hong Kong Shue Yan University Department of Social Work
  2. Mo, Y. H. K., Fong, F. F. S., & Fung, W. F. J. (2024). Positive technology: a new opportunity for Hong Kong social workers. Atlantis Highlights in Social Sciences, Education and Humanities. Proceedings of the Positive Technology International Conference 2023. Positive Technology: Possible Synergies between Emerging Technologies and Positive Psychology (PT2023). https://doi.org/10.2991/978-94-6463-278-8_16.
  3. 方富輝、馮穎芬(2023)復元人士老齡化研究報告。澳門利民會。
  4. Fong, S. (June 2020). Community Mental Health Services of Fu Hong Society and added considerations for people with psychiatric disability during COVID-19. Rehabilitation International Centennial E Book.
  5. 方富輝 (2019)「幻聽」與聽聲模式的介入策略。於楊劍雲(編)。社區精神健康服務和輔導工作—復元導向。香港:商務印書局。
  6. 羅恩‧科爾曼、邁克‧史密斯(2018)。與聲音同行II:從受害者到勝利者(方富輝,譯)。香港:P&P Press (原著第二版出版於2005年)
  7. 方富輝 (編) (2017)。緣途有你-精神復元個案匯編。澳門:澳門利民會。
  8. 方富輝 (2014) 自我分裂與自我整合:精神分裂個案的實踐與挑戰個案討論。於葉錦成(編)。自我分裂與自我整合:精神分裂個案的實踐與挑戰。北京:社會科學文獻出版社。
  9. Fong, F. F. (2014). Offending behaviors of person with schizophrenia. China Journal of Social Work, 7(1), 14-25.
  10. Fong, F. F. (2013). (Ed). Research Report-Offending Behaviors among People with Mental Illness in Hong Kong: A Service Review of the Psychiatric Halfway Houses of the Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong. Hong Kong: The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong.
  11. Yau, C. Y., & Fong, F. F. (2013a). (Eds). Research Report-The Experience of Stigma of Halfway House Service Recipients of SRACP with a Diagnosis of Schizophrenia. Hong Kong: The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong.
  12. Yau, C. Y., & Fong, F. F. (2013b). (Eds). Research Report-The Recovery Experience of Halfway House Service Recipients of SRACP with a Diagnosis of Schizophrenia. Hong Kong: The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong.
  13. Fong, F. F. & Lam, C. W. (2007). The paternal involvement of Chinese drug abusers: an exploratory in Hong Kong. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 7(3), 87-98
Conferences Attended and Papers Delivered
  1. Fong, F. F. (November, 2024). Information Gateway for Carers. The Future Development of Caregiving and Practice in Hong Kong: International Perspectives and Local Initiatives, November 8-11, Hong Kong.
  2. Huang, S. D., Liu C. P. B., Fong, F. F. S., Kwok, P. K. A., Yeung, E., Wong, C. K., S., Pang, W. S. H., Yeung, K. Y. D., Chan, K. Y., & Man, K. C. E. (November 2023). Digital device and life satisfaction in older adults: Evidence from a baseline survey of mHealth App users in Hong Kong. 30th Annual Congress of Gerontology cum 37th Annual General Meeting, November 18, Hong Kong.
  3. 方富輝及梁寶怡(2023年10月)。疫後青年的精神健康:研究與實務分享。文章發表於粵港澳大灣區精神復康工作合作發展機遇研討會,2023年10月13-14日,澳門
  4. Fong, F. F., Kwok, C. Y., & Leung, T. K. (June 2019). Social Work: A Helping Profession as an Emotional Labor, a Neglected Concept. Workshop held at The International Conference on Change and Innovation for a Better World: The Future of Social Work Profession, June 27-28, Hong Kong.
  5. Choi, K. K., & Fong, F. F. (June 2019). “By Your Side”- Family Support Pilot Project. Rehabilitation International Asia & Pacific Regional Conference, June 26-28, Macau.
  6. Fong, F. F. (May 2019). Making Succession Possible: The Experience of Fu Hong Society in Hong Kong. Paper presented at The Network for Social Work Management 30th Annual Conference, May 29-June 1, Chicago.
  7. Fong, F. F. (June 2018). Accountability and Transparency in NGOs. Paper presented at 2018 ARNOVA-Asia Conference, June 27-28, Hong Kong.
  8. Fong, F. F. & Chan, K. K. (December 2016). Voice hearing approach: localization and application in Hong Kong. Paper presented at 2016 Asia Mental Health Conference, December 2-3, Hong Kong.
  9. 方富輝及羅錦富(2014年9月)。協助精神障礙罪犯重返小區-香港中途宿舍之經驗。文章發表於矯正與回歸:服刑人員再社會化的創新與發展研討會,2014年9月3-5日,銀川
  10. Fong, F. F. (November 2013). Violence and mental illness: a review of local literature. Paper presented at 2013 Asian Mental Health Conference, November 22, Hong Kong.
  • 2024: 最具民生影響力社福好事,心連心 國慶社福薈萃 (照顧者資訊網)
  • 2021: Winner of Classified Post HR Appreciation Awards (Training & Development), Classified Post (MSDP project of Fu Hong Society) 
  • 2020: Merit Prize in HKIHRM HR Excellence Awards, HKIHRM (MSDP Project of Fu Hong Society)
  • Council Member, Hong Kong Social Service Professional Alliance of The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Limited. (2024-present)
  • 香港童軍總會 沙田西區區務委員會顧問 (2023-present)
  • External Examiner of Higher Diploma in Social Work, Caritas Institute of Higher Education (CIHE) (2022-present)
  • Member of Advisory Committee on Social Work Training and Manpower Planning (ACSWTMP), Social Welfare Department (2022-present)
  • Secretary of Hong Kong Association of Schools of Social Work (2023-present)
  • Exco-member of Hong Kong Association of Schools of Social Work (2022-present)
  • Co-opted Member of Committee on Qualification Recognition, Social Workers Registration Board (2022-present)
  • Council Member of the Consortium of Institutes of Family in the Asian Region (CIFA) (2021-Present)
  • Reviewer of International Social Work (2021-present)
  • Assessment Panel Member of Social Workers Registration Board (2021-2022)
  • Convenor of Promotion Working Group, Mental Health Month 2021, Labor and Welfare Bureau, HKSAR (2021-2022)
  • Convenor of District Working Group, Mental Health Month 2020, Labor and Welfare Bureau, HKSAR (2020-2021)
  • Social Work Member of Mental Health Review Tribunal, Food and Health Bureau, HKSAR (2019-present)
  • Life Member of Hong Kong Social Workers Association/ Committee Member of Current Welfare Issues Committee (2021-present)
  • External Advisor of Higher Diploma in Social Work (FT & PT), Hong Kong College of Technology (2018-2021)
  • Honorary Consultant of Richmond Fellowship of Macau (2016-present)
  • Convenor of Shatin District Social Inclusive Carnival, Social Welfare Department (2013-2016)