Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Charles Tong-Lit Leung 梁鏜烈博士
Assistant Professor
Academic and Professional Qualifications
1. Ph.D. (PolyU)
2. Registered Social Worker (RSW)
3. Certified Social Work Supervisor (CSupvr), HKASW
4. Accredited Mediator (Hong Kong, Kyoto)
5. IPMP Trainer, MEAL DPro, Project DPro (Level 1 & 2)
6. PM4NGOs Hub (China)
Areas of Interest
Systems Thinking, Knowledge Utilization, Positive Youth Development,
Conflict Resolution, Project Management in Social Program Planning & Evaluation
Courses Taught
1. SW320 – Ethics for Social Workers
2. Social Work in a Changing Social Context (MSW course)
3. Social Work with Youth
Selected Publications
1. Tang, N., Zhang, D, Sun, F., & Leung, C. T. L. (2023). “Brick” or “Bridge”? — the roles
and functions of Chinese social workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. International
Social Work.
2. Leung, C. T. L., Huang, J.C., & Xiang, Y. (2023). The utilization of Ubuntu: Voices from
the frontline social workers in China (Ch.25). In B. Mayaka et al. (Eds). The Ubuntu
Practitioner: Social Work Perspectives. International Federation of Social Workers.
3. Leung, C. T. L. (Ed.). (2021). Chinese translation of PMD DPro (in both traditional and
simplified versions). PM4NGOs.
Conferences Attended and Papers Delivered in Recent
1. |
Leung, C. T. L. (December, 2023). Project management of social work: Definition, principles, and characteristics. Annual Meeting of CASWE: The Sub-Forum in Project Management, Zhuhai. [Keynote speech, in Chinese] |
2. |
Leung, C. T. L. (September, 2023). Boundary critique for utilizing social intervention knowledge: A sinosphere perspective. The Operational Research Society’s Annual Conference (OR65), Bath. |
3. |
Leung, C. T. L. (August, 2023). A theory building of knowledge utilization: The case of indigenizing Ubuntu across borders. 2023 Annual Meeting of American Sociological Association (ASA2023), Philadelphia. [Online] |
1. Reviewer of British Journal of Social Work (SSCI, 2022-Present), International Social
Work (SSCI, 2014-Present), China: An International Journal (SSCI, 2021-Present)
2. Editorial Board Member of Tsinghua Social Work Review (2020-Present)
3. The Council Member, Hong Kong Mediation Centre