Dr. Priscilla CHUNG Yuet-kiu 鍾月嬌博士

Senior Lecturer
Academic and Professional Qualifications
  • Doctor of Social Work, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
  • Master of Arts in Trauma Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • Master of Social Work, La Trobe University, Australia
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Psychology, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • Bachelor of Social Work, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
  • Diploma in Social Work, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • Registered Social Worker, Social Workers Registration Board
Areas of Interest
  • Social work field education, Reflective learning, teaching and supervision, Postnatal depression, Traumatized children, Digital practice
Courses Taught
  • SW 240 Theories and Methods in Community Work
  • SW 461-2 Integrative Practice Seminar III & IV
  1. Chung, Yuet-kiu Priscilla (2022). An action research exploring how to promote supervisor-trainees’ reflective competence in Guangdong, China. China Journal of Social Work, DOI: 10.1080/17525098.2020.1829792
  2. Chung, Yuet-kiu Priscilla (2018). Reflective learning and supervision: understanding reflection and exploring supervision strategies for supervisor training program in Guangzhou, China (DSW Thesis). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Applied Social Science Department of Social Work.
  3. 鍾月嬌 (2010)。<家庭綜合服務中心在深圳市的開拓>。載於社會服務發展研究中心(主編),《先行先試:深圳社工專業閃亮點》(頁125-128)。香港:中華書局(香港)有限公司。
  4. 鍾月嬌 (2009)。<從督導經驗看內地社會工作的發展>。載於蔡立(主編), 《婦女社會工作實務》 (頁171-176)。北京: 社會科學文獻出版社。
  5. Chung, Yuet-kiu Priscilla (2000). How to help children cope with war trauma: A multi-level preventive intervention. (MSW Thesis). Australia: La Trobe University.
  6. Chung, Yuet-kiu Priscilla and Yue, Xiaodong (1999). Postpartum Depression and Social Support: A Comparative Study in Hong Kong. Psychologia, 42, pp.111-121
  7. 鍾月嬌 (1997)。《產後抑鬱與社會支持研究報告》。香港:楊震社會服務處。
Conferences Attended and Papers Delivered
  1. 2018: “新時代下精神健康服務:突破與創新”研討會
    主題演講: 走過情緒幽谷,迎接新生命的喜悅~產後抑鬱
  2. 2018: 中國社會工作教育協會2018年會暨“走向新時代的中國社會工作理論與實踐研討會“
    分組演講: 理論與實務的對話與整合:反思導向的實習教育與學習
  3. 2017: International Conference on Practice Research, Guangzhou, China. 
    Paper presentation: The exploration of reflection practice and reflection promotion strategies for supervision 
  4. 2015 “證據為本的老年社會工作實踐與研究”學術會議
    主題演講: “做中學”:實習教育如何促進老人社會工作教育
  5. 2015: The International Conference on “Discovery and Innovation in Social Work Practicum Education” 
    Paper presentation: Reflective Learning and Supervision in mainland China: Use of Reflective Log in Social Work Supervisors’ Training Practicum 
  6. 2009: 深圳市婦女社會工作交流研討會.
    主題演講: “從督導經驗看內地社會工作的發展“
Research Grants
  1. 2022: Co-I:  Research on the effectiveness of nonviolent communication in enhancing family relationship (Harmony House Research Funding, $400,000) (Project Period: 2022-2024)
  2. 2019: Co-I: An Evidence-based Study: Child-focused In-law Relationship Enhancement in Multi-generational Families. (Lee Kum Kee Family Foundation, $920,413) (Project Period: 2019-2022)
  • 2011: 香港社工督導服務銀獎, 深圳市社會工作者協會
  • 2008: Outstanding Academic Performance, on Dean’s List, Faculty of Social Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2006: Outstanding Employee Award一級員工獎, The Salvation Army
Volunteer Service in Disaster 
  1. 2009: Disaster relief and redevelopment: Sichuan Earthquake, China (Psychological Rehabilitation Center, the Youth Foundation)
  2. 2008: Disaster relief and redevelopment: Snowstorm in Anhui, China (The Salvation Army China Project Ministries)
  3. 2007: Disaster relief and redevelopment: Flooding in Anhui, China (The Salvation Army China Project Ministries)
  4. 2007: Disaster relief and redevelopment: Tsunami Redevelopment Project in Meulaboh, Indonesia (The Salvation Army International Emergency Services) 
  • Assistant Director, Center on Social Work Clinical Practice, Research and Training (CPRTC), Social Work Department, Hong Kong Shue Yan University
  • Cluster Leader, Research Cluster of Digital Practice, Center of Interdisciplinary Research in Evidence Based Practice (CIEBPR), Hong Kong Shue Yan University